To: Board of Supervisors
From: Public Works
Request for Qualifications Number DPW2018-005, Regarding On-Call Professional Design Engineering and/or Environmental Services
That the Board of Supervisors authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise and distribute the attached Request for Qualifications regarding on-call professional design engineering and/or environmental services for various state and federal funded roadway projects.
Road Fund-Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Emergency Repair Program, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES)
For the next two (2) years, the Department of Public Works will be designing and constructing several roadway repair projects. Due to limited staffing, certain professional services needed to complete such projects must be contracted out in order to comply with applicable state and federal laws and regulations. The department has prepared the attached Request for Qualifications (RFQ) which solicits professional design engineering and or environmental services to meet the department's design and construction needs. The attached RFQ meets federal requirements and complies with the latest guidelines from the California Department of Transportation's Local Assistance Procedures Manual. A preliminary scope of services, required qualifications and evaluation criteria, have been developed so the department may select and rank consultants to provide needed professional design engineering and/or environmental on an on-call basis.
Once the review, evaluation, selection and contract negotiation processes set forth in the attached RFQ have been successfully completed, the department will return to the Board of Supervisors seeking to award a consultant services agreement to the highest ranking consultant. Such consultant service agreement will have a term of ...
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