H1 Canyon, LLC; Conditional Use Permit
Record Number PLN-10845-CUP (filed 08/05/2016)
Assessor's Parcel Number: 524-115-006
Willow Creek area
A Conditional Use Permit for 42,188 square feet (sf) of existing outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation with 3,770 sf of ancillary propagation. The main water source is a 400,000 gallon rainwater catchment pond. Supplemental water comes from a well and two on-site spring diversions under Water Right Certificate H100110. The applicant has obtained a Well Assessment from a licensed geologist supporting the continued use of the well. Water is stored in the 400,000 gallon pond as well as hard tanks for a total of 439,300 gallons. Annual projected water usage is 413,775 gallons (9 gal/sf/yr). Product will be dried on-site and additional processing will occur off-site at a licensed facility. Two (2) to four (4) employees will be used for cultivation activities. Power is sourced by four (4) generators used for drying, and the project will transition to 100% renewable energy by 2026. This application includes a Special Permit for the relocation and remediation of a historic cultivation area in the Stream Management Area, and a Special Permit to reduce the 600-ft setback to public lands (SRNF) to approximately 220 feet. The Humboldt County Planning Commission will consider an Addendum to a previously adopted MND and has been prepared for consideration per ?15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Adopt the Resolution to take the following actions: 1) Find that the Zoning Administrator has considered the Addendum to the adopted Mitigative Negative Declaration for the Commercial Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance (CMMLUO) as described by Section ?15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines, 2) make all of the required findings for approval of the Conditional Use Permit and Special Permits and 3) approve the H1 Canyon, LLC Conditional Use Permit and Special Permits as recommended by staff subject to the recommended conditi...
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