To: Board of Supervisors
From: County Administrative Office
Agenda Section: Departmental
Board Discussion Regarding Measure Z Funding Related to Ongoing Salary and Benefit Costs
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Discuss Measure Z funding related to ongoing salary and benefit costs; and
2. Provide staff direction on the allocation of ongoing salary and benefit costs.
General Fund-Measure Z
On Sept. 12, 2019, the Measure Z Citizens' Advisory Committee (Committee) submitted a letter (received by your Board on Nov. 19, 2019) requesting a meeting with a subcommittee of your Board to discuss concerns related to ongoing funding and allocation trends (Attachment 1). Your Board directed staff to return on today's date to address the Citizens' Advisory Committee's concern over increasing salary and benefit costs associated with county employees.
The current Committee application evaluation process is as follows:
1. Release a Measure Z Funding Application to the public in late January (Attachment 2-Fiscal Year 2019-20 Application).
2. Application submission deadline in late February.
3. Rate applications in March.
a. First, prioritize on a yes/no basis by evaluating whether each application meets the intention, or spirit, of the Measure Z ballot language (Attachment 3).
b. Vote on all applications. Applications that receive a majority "yes" vote are then ranked using a 1, 2, 3 system, with 1 being of the highest priority.
c. Analyze available funding for the highest ranked applications.
d. Ask highest ranked applications to provide funding reductions while still maintaining the integrity of the project.
e. If necessary, make any final cuts in order to present to the Board of Supervisors (BOS) a Letter of Recommendations that coincides with the current available funding.
f. Submit a Letter of Recommendations to the BOS in April.
Attachment 4 contains a deta...
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