To: Zoning Administrator
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Barbara Benson Coastal Development Permit and Special Permit for Major Vegetation Removal and Accessory Residential Development.
Record Number: PLN-2023-18299
Assessor Parcel Number: 511-061-013-000
McKinleyville Area
The applicant is seeking a Coastal Development Permit and Special Permit for after-the-fact Major Vegetation Removal in the Coastal Zone. The application is a response to a Code Enforcement violation (CE22-1606). The proposed project includes revegetation of recently disturbed lands due to the major vegetation removal. Additionally, a Coastal Development Permit and a Special Permit is required for the construction of an accessory structure that is greater than 15' in height or greater than 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. The applicant proposes the construction of a new animal enclosure that will be no greater than 2,000 square feet and no greater than 15 feet tall, and a new fence, the repair of an existing fence, existing patio, and the house's roof, and landscaping for a new pasture, all of which would be accessory to the existing, permitted single-family residence. The final location of the animal enclosure will be determined during the building permit process. The parcel is served by the McKinleyville Community Services District and PG&E. Trees were cut down prior to application for a permit, and two additional trees are proposed for removal. No grading is proposed. end
That the Zoning Administrator:
1. Adopt the resolution (Attachment 1) which does the following:
a. Finds the proposed project complies with the McKinleyville Area Plan and Zoning Ordinance; and
b. Finds the project exempt from CEQA pursuant to Sections 15301(h) (Existing Facilities), 15303(e) (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), and Section 15304(b) (Minor Alterations to Land) of the CEQA Guidelines, and...
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