Humboldt County Department of Public Works Coastal Development Permit
Record Number PLN-2021-17402
Assessor’s Parcel Number: State Highway 255 Right of Way.
Manila area
A Coastal Development Permit application for Humboldt County Department of Public Works to develop a Class I bike path (also known as shared use path or multi-use trail) along the western side of the Highway 255 corridor in the Manila area. The project would start near the Pacific Avenue intersection (Post Mile 3.64) and terminate north of the Carlson Drive intersection (Post Mile 4.24) for a total length of 0.6 miles. The bike path is designed as a paved, 10-foot-wide surface with two, two-foot-wide shoulders offset variable distances from the edge of the highway shoulder. The project includes 150 feet of concrete sidewalk along Pacific Avenue, a crosswalk near the Pacific Avenue/Peninsula Drive intersection, two light standards near Pacific Avenue, crosswalks at Lupin Avenue and Carlson Drive, and on-site wetland creation. The purpose of the project is to improve safety for non-motorized and motorized travelers in Manila and increase the use of active modes of transportation. The project would enhance coastal access, heighten driver awareness of the community, and fill the gap for non-motorized travel between the Pacific Avenue and Lupin Avenue neighborhoods. The trail is needed because Highway 255 through Manila is an incomplete transportation facility that was designed primarily to support motorized vehicles.
Adopt the resolution to do the following: 1) Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, 2) make all the required findings for approval of the Coastal Development Permit based on evidence in the staff report and 3) approve the Humboldt County Department of Public Works project subject to the recommended conditions.