To: Board of Supervisors
From: DHHS: Administration
Agenda Section: Consent
Extension of Extra Help Hours Past the 960 Hour Limit
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve a waiver of the 960 extra-help limitation for 18 staff and an extension of 960 hours, to a maximum of 1,920 hours for fiscal year 2021-22, pursuant to Section 7 of the Humboldt County Salary Resolution (4/5 vote required)
Social Services (1160)
Public Health (1175)
Behavioral Health (1170)
Extra help staff are used for special projects, covering 24-hour shifts, vacations and leaves of absence and expertise in meeting mandates. In addition to current staffing shortages, due to COVID-19, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has had to add additional staff to assist with the increased workload. Executive Order N-25-20 waives the 960 hour per fiscal year limit for a retired annuitant. The experience and training of these extra help employees necessitate the extension of hours.
Staff recommends that your Board approve a waiver of the 960 extra-help limitation for the following staff and an extension of 960 hours, to a maximum of 1,920 hours for fiscal year 2021-22, pursuant to Section 7 of the Humboldt County Salary Resolution:
1. Sherry Ables-Privette, Peer Coach I, Behavioral Health
2. Terra Adams, Office Assistant I, DHHS Administration
3. Julio Agosto LaBoy, Mental Health Case Manager I, Behavioral Health
4. Amber Bowlds, Health Education Specialist I, Public Health
5. Denise George, Mental Health Clinician I, Behavioral Health
6. Emilda Gonzalez-Demont, Administrative Analyst I, Public Health
7. Tami Hamilton, Peer Coach I, Behavioral Health
8. Sandy Hang, Communicable Disease Investigator I, Public Health
9. Maghan Maberry, Laboratory Assistant I, Public Health
10. Raven McAdams, Laboratory Assistant I, Public Health
11. Mary McKenzie, Supervising Public Health Nurse...
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