To: Board of Supervisors
From: Sheriff
Agenda Section: Consent
Sheriff Operations and Correction Facility Budget Transfer Requests between Fixed Asset and Expenses
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve an appropriation transfer request in FY2018-2019 for budget unit 221 - Sheriff Operations for the purchase of patrol vehicle after-market equipment (Attachment 1);
2. Approve an appropriation transfer request in FY2018-2019 for budget unit 221 - Sheriff Operations for the purchase of a network/data communications switch (Attachment 2); and
3. Approve an appropriation transfer request in FY2018-2019 for budget unit 243 - Sheriff Jail for the purchase of temporary holding cells and offset building repairs (Attachment 3).
General Fund
Recommendation No. 1: The Sheriff's Office originally budgeted $126,000 in fixed asset 8774 - Vehicle/Van to purchase three vehicles to expand the current fleet. It later requested a Supplemental Budget of $42,000 paid by Chapter 810 Fees Fund from Trust 3640000 to purchase a patrol vehicle for civil. There is $14,639 remaining after the purchase of all four vehicles. Patrol, civil and special services vehicles require approximately $5,000 to $15,000 of after-market equipment. This equipment includes special LED lighting, gun racks, plastic back-seat inserts, truck canopies and other items depending on the specific use of the vehicle. The after-market equipment was not specifically budgeted for in Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-2019 and the Sheriff's Office is utilizing savings in other expense categories to help offset the cost of this after-market equipment. The Sheriff's Office is requesting the $14,639 remaining from fixed asset 8774 - Vehicle/Van be transferred to 2122 - Minor Equipment to help offset the cost of the after-market equipment (Attachment 1). The remaining amount after purchase of the civil vehicle is $3,717 and...
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