To: Planning Commission
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Public Hearing
Ruffino - Final Map Subdivision and Coastal Development Permit
Application Number: PLN-2023-18066
Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 508-091-039
McKinleyville area
A Major Subdivision of an approximately 3.87-acre parcel into six (6) parcels ranging in size from approximately 18,123 square feet (net) to 35,737 square feet (net) in size. The parcel is located in the Coastal Zone and a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) is being sought in connection with the proposed subdivision. The site is currently vacant and will be served with community water and sewer provided by the McKinleyville Community Service District.
That the Planning Commission:
Adopt the resolution (Attachment 1) which does the following:
a. Find that the project is consistent with the development density and policies established by an existing community plan and General Plan for which an EIR was certified, and that no additional environmental review is required per section 15183 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and
b. make all of the required findings for approval of the Final Map Subdivision and Coastal Development Permit; and
c. approve the Ruffino Major Subdivision and Coastal Development Permit subject to the recommended conditions.
Executive Summary: This project seeks approval of a major subdivision together with a Coastal Development Permit to allow for the division of a 3.87-acre parcel into 6 lots.
The site is in an area composed of low-density residential development. Of 100 parcels in the project vicinity, 81 are less than 1/2-acre in size and nearly 100% of the parcels are developed with at least one single-family dwelling. The eastern portion of the property abuts highway 101. The neighborhood sits atop a coastal terrace landform 50 feet higher than the nearby bottom lands, which are vulnerable to flooding and...
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