To: Zoning Administrator
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Savage Creek Water Diversion System Improvements Project Coastal Development Permit
Assessor Parcel Number: Caltrans Right-of-Way
Record Number: PLN-2023-18281
Trinidad area
A Coastal Development Permit (CDP) to upgrade an existing California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) water intake at Savage Creek and its associated infrastructure. The surface water diversion at Savage Creek supplies municipal water to both the Trinidad Southbound Safety Roadside Rest Area (SRRA) and the Seawood Estates Mutual Water Company (SEMWC). The purpose of the project is to upgrade the existing water supply intake system to be more reliable and require less maintenance. In addition, the project would improve influent water quality and incorporate design improvements for aquatic species. The project would require a temporary creek diversion approximately 80 feet upstream of the work area.
That the Zoning Administrator:
1. Adopt the resolution (Attachment 1) which does the following:
2. Finds the proposed project complies with the Trinidad Area Plan; and
3. Finds the project exempt from further environmental review pursuant to Sections 15302(c) Replacement or Reconstruction, and 15304(f) Minor Alterations of Land of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, and that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment; and
4. Approves the Coastal Development Permit subject to the conditions of approval (Attachment 1A).
Project Location:
Trinidad Area. The project includes work at two locations. The first location is at the surface water intake facility at Savage Creek on the east side of US 101, approximately 0.27 miles north of the intersection of US 101 and Seawood Drive, with the second location at the intersection of Seawood Driv...
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