Fred M. Van Eck Forest Foundation General Plan Amendment and Zone Reclassification. Application Number 9587. Case Numbers GPA-15-001, ZR-15-001. Assessor Parcel Numbers 512-171-009,512-181-038, 512-181-039, 516-011-006, 516-011-010, 516-011-014, 516-011-015, 516-011-019, 516-011-020. Fieldbrook Area
That the Board of Supervisors introduce Ordinance No. _____ (Attachment B) by title and waive further reading; open the public hearing and receive the staff report and public comment; and close the public hearing and deliberate; make the necessary findings to approve the General Plan Amendment and adopt Resolution No. _____ (Attachment A), approving the amendment of the Humboldt County General Plan land use map, by amending property in the Fieldbrook area (GPA-15-001, Van Eck Forest Foundation) from their various general plan designations to Timberland (T) accepting either the Planning Commission Recommendation or the Applicant's Preferred Alternative; make the necessary findings for approving the proposed Zone Reclassification and adopt Ordinance No. _____ (Attachment B) amending Section 311-7 of the Humboldt County Code by reclassifying property in the Fieldbrook area from Agriculture General (AG), Agriculture General with a combining zone specifying a 5-acre minimum parcel size (AG-B-5(5)), Agriculture General with a combining zone specifying a 10-acre minimum parcel size (AG-B-5(10)), Agriculture Exclusive (AE) and Forestry Recreation with a combining zone specifying a 20-acre minimum parcel size (FR-B-5(20)) into Timberland Production Zone (TPZ) accepting either the Planning Commission Recommendation or the Applicant's Preferred Alternative; direct the Clerk of the Board to record a Certification of Rezoning (Notice of Timberland Production Zone Status) (Attachment C) on the parcels pursuant to Sections 51117 and 51141 of the California Government Code (C.G.C.), after attaching a copy of the fully executed Ordinance (Attachment B); direct...
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