To: Planning Commission
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Knapek Zone Reclassification
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 107-091-007 and 107-096-002
Record No.: PLN-2022-17796
Honeydew Area
A Zone Reclassification to rezone approximately 75 acres on two properties from Agriculture Exclusive with a 160 acre minimum parcel size (AE-B-5(160)) into Timberland Production Zone (TPZ). The parcels have a total acreage of 115 acres (Parcel 107-091-007 is 75 acres and Parcel 107-096-002 is 40 acres). Presently 35 acres of Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 107-091-007 is zoned AE-B-5(160) and all of APN 107-096-002 is zoned AE-B-5(160). After the proposed zone reclassification both properties will be fully rezoned TPZ. The rezone is in the public interest and is consistent with General Plan policies. The rezone conforms with the zoning to the existing and intended future land use of timber production. The rezone is consistent with the required findings for the zone reclassification, as well as the findings required under Section 312-50.8, Supplemental Timberland Production Zoning Procedures, and is consistent with the Forest Taxation Reform Act of 1976. The Forestry Review Committee reviewed the project at their meeting on February 8, 2023 and approved the Timber Management Plan by a vote of 4-0. The Timber Management Plan documents how timber operations can be coordinated on the two properties. The Humboldt County Planning staff believes that the project, as conditioned, has no potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. The project can be found statutorily exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15264.
That the Planning Commission:
1. Describe the application as part of the Consent Agenda.
2. Survey the audience for any person who would like to discuss the application.
3. If no one requests discussion, make the following motion to recommend the Board of Supervisor...
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