To: Board of Supervisors
From: Human Resources
Agenda Section: Consent
Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Koff & Associates to Perform a Classification and Compensation Study
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve, and authorize the Chair of the Board to execute, the attached professional services agreement with Koff & Associates regarding a countywide employee classification and compensation study in an amount not to exceed $527,500.00; and
2. Authorize the Director of Human Resources to execute any future amendments to the professional services agreement with Koff & Associates that do not cumulatively exceed $50,000.00 upon approval by Risk Management and County Counsel.
General Fund
The Board of Supervisors approved funding in the First Quarter Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget to contract with a qualified firm to complete a countywide employee classification and compensation study.
Koff & Associates is an experienced Human Resources consulting firm that has been providing classification and compensation consulting to public agencies for over 33 years. In January of 2017, Merced County issued Request for Proposal (RFP) #7171 for a classification and compensation study and selected Koff & Associates to provide the service. The County of Humboldt is able to make a cooperative purchase of these services utilizing RFP #7171's competitive bidding process and enter into a professional services agreement with Koff & Associates at the same rates, terms, and conditions.
This classification and compensation study will ensure that the County of Humboldt is in a long-term competitive position to recruit and retain a talented workforce by creating a clearly designed and equitable classification and compensation format that is flexible for career opportunity and future growth.
The County of Humboldt is long overdue in completing this pr...
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