To: Board of Supervisors
From: Human Resources
Agenda Section: Consent
Adoption of Amended and Retitled Job Classification of Behavioral Health Medical Director (M&C)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Adopt the amended and retitled job classification of Behavioral Health Medical Director (Attachment 2) (class 0902, unit 008, replacing Mental Health Medical Director) into the salary range and classification plan effective immediately; and
2. Adopt Resolution No._______ (Attachment 1) approving 1) the amendment of the January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024 Compensation Plans for Management & Confidential Employees 2) a Comprehensive Compensation Schedule and Classification Summary effective March 20, 2022 (Attachment 3).
General Fund (1100)
The single position Mental Health Medical Director position located in the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Behavioral Health has been vacant since April of 2015 with coverage of duties provided by various contracted individuals. DHHS Behavioral Health is motivated to recruit for this position. This position is vital to the operations of Behavioral Health within DHHS and updating the job specification to accurately reflect the current body of work and industry best practices will assist DHHS Behavioral Health in attracting the most qualified candidates for the position.
During the classification phase of the Countywide Classification & Compensation Study conducted by Koff & Associates (K&A), K&A recommended that the Mental Health Medical Director be retitled to Behavioral Health Medical Director. K&A also recommended updates to the language to detail the current body of work and industry best practices.
There is no financial impact associated with these recommendations as no change in compensation is being recommended. As such, there is no impact to the General Fund beyond staff time spen...
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