To: Board of Supervisors
From: DHHS: Administration
Agenda Section: Consent
Resolution Adopting a Recruitment and Retention Incentive Program for Eligibility Specialist Trainee/I/II/III, Eligibility Specialist Supervisor, Integrated Caseworker I/II/III, Supervising Integrated Caseworker, Employment and Training Worker I/II/III and Employment and Training Worker Supervisor
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Adopt the attached resolution adopting a recruitment and retention incentive program for fiscal years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 for Eligibility Specialist Trainee/I/II/III (class 1731), Eligibility Specialist Supervisor (class 1729), Integrated Caseworker I/II/III (class 0719 and 0720), Supervising Integrated Caseworker (class 0721), Employment and Training Worker I/II/III (class 0722 and 0723) and Employment and Training Worker Supervisor (class 0724) (Attachment 1).
Social Services Fund (1160-511)
Staffing levels continue to be a major issue in the Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS) ability to appropriately serve community members, staff and partners. Currently, DHHS has 181 allocations and 68 vacancies in the Eligibility Specialist series, 21 allocations with three vacancies in the Integrated Caseworker series, and 27 allocations with nine vacancies in the Employment and Training Worker series. This represents a total of 229 allocations and 80 vacancies.
The impacts of the staffing shortages in the above-referenced classifications can have drastic impacts on community members, staff and partners. For example, if a member of the community applied for the CalFresh Program and did not meet certain criteria, their interview would be scheduled out 8 weeks. This means if an individual or family applied for the CalFresh Program after Oct. 3, 2022 they are not going to be seen for an intake interview before the Thanksgiving holiday.
In A...
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