To: Board of Supervisors
From: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Accept Completed Contract for Storm Damage Repair to Mattole Road (F3C010) Post Mile 6.50
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Ratify the Director of Public Works to sign Contract Change Order Number 2 for the total amount of $99,315.64;
2. Accept the completed contract, including all change orders approved by the Public Works Department, between GR Sundberg, Inc., and Humboldt County for construction of Storm Damage Repair to Mattole Road Post Mile 6.50; and
3. Approve the final claim for payment, to be submitted by the Public Works Department to the Auditor-Controller, in the amount of $99,367.65, which will bring the total amount paid to 100% of the contract.
Road Fund (1200); Federal Highway Administration Emergency Relief Storm Damage Funds
On March 7, 2017, the Governor of the State of California declared a disaster for Humboldt County due to severe winter storms, flooding, and mudslides. Mattole Road (3C010) Post Mile 6.50, in the Petrolia-Honeydew area of southern Humboldt County, experienced roadway settlement and shoulder failure. Emergency temporary repairs were done at the time of the disaster to maintain essential traffic.
On Sept. 28, 2020, the Humboldt County Department of Public Works ("Public Works") received funding approval from the Federal Highway Administration to proceed with the Mattole Road (3C010) Post Mile 6.50 Storm Damage Repair Project. GHD subsequently prepared plans and specifications for the project based on a topographic survey of the damaged area prepared by Humboldt County Public Works Survey Division and a geotechnical study prepared by Crawford and Associates. The work consisted of constructing geosynthetic reinforced embankment, installing deep sub-drainage and storm drainage systems, restoring the roadway to original width, and installing sediment an...
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