To: Board of Supervisors
From: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Exercise Option to Extend the Term of the License Agreement with Norman A. Johannesen and Deborah Jo Johannesen for Communication Purposes at Pratt Mountain in Garberville, through March 31, 2024
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve exercising the option to extend the term of the License Agreement for Pratt Mountain Radio Facility with Norman A. Johannesen and Deborah Jo Johannesen, Licensor; and
2. Authorize Real Property to send a notice to Licensor that County is exercising the option to extend the License Agreement.
Communications Fund
Since 1964, the county has maintained an agreement to use a portion of Pratt Mountain for the purpose of maintaining and operating a radio and telephone broadcasting, transmitting and repeater station. On March 9, 2004, the county entered into a License Agreement (Attachment 1 - License) with the current owners, Norman A. Johannesen and Deborah Jo Johannesen, for the continued use of the property. On January 28, 2014, the first of two (2)- five (5) year options to extend the term up to March 31, 2019, was exercised. (Attachment 2 - Option to Extend)
The county continues to require the site for communications for the Humboldt County Sheriff's Department and other local governmental departments including Public Works, Building Inspections, Health, Social Services, and Emergency Medical Services, for transmitting and receiving. Staff is therefore requesting the Board to approve the second of two (2) - five (5) options to extend the term up to March 31, 2024. Licensor has permitted the county to exercise this option with less than the ninety (90) day required notice prior to the end of the previous term (Attachment 3 - Correspondence with Licensor).
Current annual rent is $1,618.69 with built in increases of 3.5 percent on Apr...
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