Forbes Agricultural Preserve. Case Number AGP-15-004. Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 506-041-001-000. 4150 Old Samoa Road, Arcata Area
That the Board of Supervisors open a public hearing in the manner prescribed by law; receive a staff report, consider the applications, and receive public testimony; adopt the necessary findings prepared by Current Planning Division staff; adopt Resolution No. _____ (Attachment A) establishing the Forbes Agricultural Preserve; authorize the Chair of the Board to execute the Land Conservation Contract (Attachment B); direct Current Planning Division staff to prepare and file a Notice of Exemption with the County Clerk and Office of Planning and Research; direct the Clerk of the Board to record copies of the Resolution and Land Conservation Contract with the County Recorder; direct the Clerk of the Board to give notice of the decision to the applicant, the Assessor's Office, County Counsel, Current Planning Division, the California Office of Land Conservation, and any other interested party; and close the public hearing.