To: Planning Commission
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Public Hearing
Draft Commercial Residential Ordinance
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 000-000-000
Record No.: LRP-2023-18805
All the unincorporated areas of Humboldt County.
The Commercial Residential Ordinance is to implement and expand upon Senate Bill 6 (SB 6), which allows for residential development in zones where office, parking, or retail uses are permitted. Based upon the County's zoning regulations, various commercial and industrial zoning designations may qualify. Commercial residential is proposed as a new type of development that consists of residential dwellings or a mixture of dwellings and commercial uses within certain commercial and industrial zones.
The Zoning Updates Ordinance is to update our zoning code to be consistent with California State Building Code, set a maximum height for fences within the front yard setback in certain residential zones, implement Humboldt County General Plan Implementation Measure H-IM63, define "mini-storage" and allow with a Use Permit in certain zones, encourage residential infill projects in the Business Park (MB) zone, and allow flexibility in housing types in the Inland Residential Multiple Family (R-3) zone.
That the Planning Commission take the following actions:
1. Adopt resolutions (Resolution 24-__) [Attachment 1] recommending that the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors take the following actions:
a) Find the proposed Inland and Coastal Commercial Residential Ordinances are exempt from CEQA pursuant to ?15061(b)(3) of CEQA Guidelines. Public Resources Code Sections 21080.5 and 21080.9 and Sections 15250, 15251(f) and 15265 of the CEQA Guidelines identify that CEQA does not apply to the activities of a local government for the preparation and adoption of a Local Coastal Program, and therefore the County adoption of the LCP Amendment is statutorily exempt f...
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