To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Public Hearing
Extension of Temporary Moratorium on the Cultivation of Industrial Hemp (4/5 Vote Required)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Introduce the proposed ordinance extending, for 1 year, the temporary moratorium on Cultivation of Industrial Hemp by title [Attachment 1];
2. Open the public hearing and accept public comment;
3. Find the ordinance exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15308 (regulatory activity to assure protection of the environment).
4. Adopt Ordinance No: _____ [Attachment 1] extending, for 1 year, the moratorium on industrial hemp cultivation and acceptance of applications for industrial hemp cultivation (4/5 vote required); and
5. Direct the Clerk of the Board to publish a Summary of the Ordinance within 15 days after adoption by the Board, along with the names of those Supervisors voting for and against the ordinance [Attachment 2] and to post in the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors a certified copy of the full text of the adopted ordinance along with the names of those Supervisors voting for and against the ordinance. (Government Code section 25124)
General Fund (1100)
The item before the Board is a one-year extension of the existing six (6) month moratorium for Industrial Hemp cultivation in Humboldt County which expires on December 25, 2019. If the Board approves the attached ordinance, the current 6-month temporary moratorium on cultivation of Industrial Hemp will be continued for an additional year (until December 25, 2020).
Based on the public testimony presented at a Planning Commission public workshop on October 3, 2019, and a public hearing on October 17, 2019, the Planning Commission recommended that the Board of Supervisors take a precautionary approa...
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