To: Zoning Administrator
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Heaven Scent Farms, LLC Special Permit
Assessor Parcel Number 507-271-001-000
Record No.: PLN-13369-SP
Denial of a Special Permit for 10,000 square feet of new mixed light and 5,000 square feet of indoor commercial cannabis cultivation.
That the Zoning Administrator:
Adopt the resolution (Attachment 1) which does the following:
a. Find the project exempt from environmental review pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15270; and
b. Find the applicant has not provided sufficient evidence necessary to make the required findings for approval; and
c. Deny the Special Permit.
Project Location:
The project is in Humboldt County in the Arcata area, approximately 2,100 feet from the intersection of Highway 101 and Janes Road on the property known as 3105 Miller Lane.
Present General Plan Land Use Designation:
Agriculture Exclusive (AE), Slope Stability: Relatively Stable (0).
Present Zoning:
Agriculture Exclusive (AE), Minimum building site area is 600 acres.
Environmental Review:
Exempt from environmental review pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15270
State Appeal:
Project is NOT appealable to the California Coastal Commission.
Major concerns:
Lack of evidence to support required findings for approval.
Executive Summary:
Denial of a Special Permit for 10,000 square feet of new mixed light and 5,000 square feet of indoor commercial cannabis cultivation.
Project site is within the coastal zone. Application proposes building new structures not in existence prior to January 1, 2016 which is inconsistent with the requirements of the Coastal Commercial Cannabis Land Use Ordinance. Site plan does not depict the proposed project. The application does not include an operations plan. Project has not been placed in referrals due to the lack of information regarding the applicati...
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