To: Board of Supervisors
From: Sheriff
Agenda Section: Consent
Establishing Fixed Asset Line for Budget Unit 221400 Sheriff Coroner's Office
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve an appropriations transfer request establishing a fixed asset line in FY 2019-20 Budget Unit 221400 Coroner's Office for purchase of a gurney power lift (Attachment 1).
General Fund
The Coroner's Office has two trucks utilized for deceased person transport. Prior to the transport, the decedent is loaded onto a gurney that is motorized to move up and down, making it easier to load the decedent onto the gurney. Once the decedent is secured to the gurney, it is moved to the rear of the truck. The deputy must then use his/her own strength to get the gurney into the back of the truck and secured.
The gurney itself is rather heavy, but when a decedent is loaded onto it, it becomes even heavier. Depending on the size of the decedent, the combined weight of the gurney and decedent can range from 200 to 400+ pounds. Not only is it heavy, but in instances where the ground is uneven or unlevel it creates a situation in which the gurney becomes top heavy, making it difficult to balance and subject to tipping. This situation is dangerous and creates a high risk of injury to the loading deputy, as well as a risk of damaging equipment. Furthermore, there is a risk of dropping the gurney with the decedent loaded on it.
There has been one worker's compensation case within the last 2 years where a deputy missed work and was on light duty for over a year due to a shoulder injury caused by loading/unloading a gurney and decedent into the back of the truck. The Coroner's Office would like to move forward with the purchase of a power lift to make this process more efficient, safer, and help prevent any further associated work-related injuries.
In March 2019, your board appro...
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