To: Board of Supervisors
From: County Administrative Office
Agenda Section: Consent
Bid Award Authorization for the Fortuna Veterans Hall Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Project located at 1426 Main Street, Fortuna, CA. Project Number 2017-402
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Receive and file the bids for the Fortuna Veterans Hall Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Project, 2017-402;
2. Award the project to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, DCI Builders, Inc.; and
3. Authorize the County Administrative Officer to sign the construction agreement with DCI Builders, Inc. in the form of the attached sample agreement subject to approval from County Counsel and Risk Management.
ADA Internal Service Fund (3552)
On Nov. 14, 2017, the County of Humboldt entered into a consultant services agreement with Brokaw Design to design ADA improvements at the Fortuna Veterans Hall. The construction project will include an accessible path of travel from the public right of way to the building entrance, a van accessible parking stall, reconstruction of the ramp at the building entrance, installation of assisted opening devices at the accessible facility doors, a wheel chair lift at the stage located in the main hall, and the addition of a fully accessible unisex restroom. Special attention and care to protect the facility's historical and architectural finishes have been taken into consideration in all elements of the design. Staff worked with Public Works and Brokaw Design in the review and development of the project's plans and timeline.
Construction is expected to take 120 calendar days to complete and is anticipated to begin in January 2019 and be completed by May 2019.
On Oct. 16, 2018, Your Board authorized the Fortuna Veterans Hall Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Project to be advertised for public bid. On Nov. 27, 2018, t...
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