To: Board of Supervisors
From: Human Resources
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Position Allocation Modification for Planning and Building Department and Revisions to the Comprehensive Compensation Schedule and Classification Summary.
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Adopt the new job classification of Permit Technician I/II (salary range 396/416, class 0325) into the classification system effective the pay period following board approval;
2. Adopt the new job classification of Senior Permit Technician (salary range 436, class 0326) into the classification system effective the pay period following board approval;
3. Adopt the new job classification for Permit Manager (salary range 486, class 0336) into the classification system effective the pay period following board approval;
4. Approve the reallocation and reclassify the incumbent of 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Planning Technician I/II (salary range 377/391, class 0334) in Fund 1100, budget unit (BU) 268, Cannabis Planning, occupied by Elizabeth Kernahan, to a 1.0 FTE Permit Technician I/II (salary range 396/416, class 0325), effective the pay period following board approval;
5. Approve the reallocation and reclassify the incumbents of 2.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Planning Technicians I/II (salary range 377/391, class 0334) in Fund 1100, budget unit (BU) 277, Current Planning, occupied by Christian Nielsen and Eric Zoellner, to 2.0 FTE Permit Technicians I/II (salary range 396/416, class 0325), effective the pay period following board approval;
6. Approve the reallocation and reclassify the incumbents of 5.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Permit Specialists I/II (salary range 391/409, class 0325) in Fund 1100, budget unit (BU) 262, Building Inspector, occupied by Bonnie Catalan, Nicholas Moyle, Tana Reynolds, Leah Crenshaw-Pepke, and Ashley Wilson, to 5.0 FTE Permit Technicians I/II (salary range 396/416, class 0325), effective the pay period following board approval;
7. Approve the reallocation and reclassify the incumbent of 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Senior Permit Specialist (salary range 436, class 0326) in Fund 1100, budget unit (BU) 262, Building Inspector, currently occupied by Heather Walker, to 1.0 FTE Senior Permit Technician (salary range 436, class 0326) effective the pay period following board approval;
8. Approve the reallocation and reclassify the incumbent of 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Permit Supervisor (salary range 486, class 0336) in Fund 1100, budget unit (BU) 262, Building Inspector, currently occupied by Stacy Juchtzer, to 1.0 FTE Permit Manager (salary range 486, class 0336) effective the pay period following board approval;
9. Abolish both the 37.5 and 40-hour Planning Technician I/II (classes 0328 and 0334), Permit Specialist I/II (classes 0335 and 0325), Senior Permit Specialist (classes 0337 and 0326), and Permit Supervisor (0336) job classifications from the classification system effective the pay period following board approval;
10. Abolish the 37.5-hour Planner I/II (class 0631) from the classification system effective the pay period following board approval;
11. Approve the modified salary range for Planner I/II (class 0333) from salary range 409/454 to salary range 446/466 into the Comprehensive Compensation Schedule and Classification Summary effective the pay period following board approval;
12. Approve the modified salary range for Senior Planner (class 0660) from salary range 473 to salary range 486, into the Comprehensive Compensation Schedule and Classification Summary effective the pay period following board approval;
13. Approve the modified salary range for Supervising Planner (class 0681) from salary range 504 to salary range 511, into the Comprehensive Compensation Schedule and Classification Summary effective the pay period following board approval;
14. Approve the retitled and amended job specification of the classification of Assistant/Associate Planner, formerly Planner I/II (salary range 446/466, class 0333), into the classification system effective the pay period following board approval;
15. Approve the amended job specification of the classification of Senior Planner (salary range 486, class 0660) into the classification system effective the pay period following board approval;
16. Approve the retitled and amended job specification of the classification of Planning Manager, formerly Supervising Planner (salary range 511, class 0681) into the classification system effective the pay period following board approval;
17. Adopt the revised classification number for Supervising Staff Services Analyst from class 0393 to class 0397, into the classification system effective the pay period following board approval;
18. Adopt the Resolution (Attachment 1) approving the amendment of the Jan. 1, 2022 - Dec. 31, 2024 Compensation Plan for Management & Confidential Employees, the Jan. 1, 2022 - Dec. 31, 2024 Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Humboldt and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, and the Comprehensive Compensation Schedule and Classification Summary effective the pay period following board approval (Attachment 2).
Charges for Current Services, Licenses and Permits, General Fund, General Fund (1100).
A Human Resources consulting agency, Municipal Resource Group (MRG), conducted a classification and compensation review of the Permit and Planner series within the Planning and Building Department. The review was done to assess the appropriateness of the classifications within these series. The Human Resources Department has received and reviewed MRG’s findings and it is evident that the current classifications are not appropriate for the duties being performed.
MRG conducted a thorough review of the classifications for Planning Technician I/II, Permit Specialist I/II, Senior Permit Specialist, and Permit Supervisor, which included salary recommendations for the respective classifications. After careful consideration of the data, MRG has recommended that the County:
• Consolidate the current Permit Specialist series and the current Planning Technician series into one new Permit Technician series.
• Reclassify each incumbent to the same level in the new Permit Technician series (e.g., a Permit Specialist II will become a Permit Technician II; a Planning Technician II will become a Permit Technician II).
• Retitle the Permit Supervisor classification to Permit Manager and revise the classification specification. The salary for the revised Permit Manager classification will remain the same as the current Permit Supervisor classification.
• Increase the salaries of the Planner series to appropriately place them above the Permit Technician series:
o Place Planner I 5% above the new Senior Permit Technician classification.
o Place Planner II 10% above Planner I.
o Place Senior Planner 10% above Planner II.
o Place Supervising Planner 12.5 above Senior Planner and 15% below Deputy Planning Director.
Therefore, to ensure that the County of Humboldt is offering appropriate compensation and accurate classifications, the Human Resources Department recommends that your board approves these recommended changes based on the research done by MRG.
Expenditures (1100-268, 272, 277, 282) |
FY22-23 Adopted |
FY23-24 Projected |
FY24-25 Projected |
Budgeted Expenses |
$103,261 |
$177,277 |
$163,299 |
Total Expenditures |
$103,261 |
$177,277 |
$163,299 |
Funding Sources (1100-268, 272, 277, 282) |
FY22-23 Adopted |
FY23-24 Projected* |
FY24-25 Projected* |
Fees/Other |
$103,261 |
$177,277 |
$163,299 |
Total Funding Sources |
$103,261 |
$177,277 |
$163,299 |
*Projected amounts are estimates and are subject to change.
Narrative Explanation of Financial Impact:
The salary adjustments will affect four of the Planning and Building Department budget units. In total, salaries are anticipated to increase by $103,261 for the remainder of FY 2022-23, $177,277 in FY 2023-24, and $163,299 in FY 2024-25. Below is a breakdown of these estimated increases by budget unit.
Building Inspections (budget unit 1100-262)): Salaries are anticipated to increase by $3,003 for the remainder of fiscal year (FY) 2022-23, $20,520.53 in FY2023-24 and $21,546.56 in FY2024-25.
Cannabis Services (1100-268): Actual salary expenditures for employees in the positions described in this agenda item are anticipated to increase by $35,808.86 in FY2022-23, while the overall salary expenditures for this budget unit are anticipated to be lower than the adopted budget due to unfilled positions. Salaries are anticipated to increase by $58,939.79 in FY2023-24 and $61,886.78 in FY2024-25.
Current Planning (1100-277): Salaries are anticipated to increase by $56,032.44 in FY 2022-23, $78,619.62 in FY 2023-24, and $59,760.72 in FY 2024-25.
Advanced Planning (1100-282): Salaries are anticipated to increase by $8,416.93 in FY 2022-23, $19,147.78 in FY2023-24 and $20,105.17 in FY2024-25.
In FY 2022-23, staff anticipates there are sufficient salary expenditure appropriations due to vacancies and revenues from fees to fund the increased expenditures. In future years, Planning and Building Department fees will be adjusted annually to offset increases in salary.
This action supports your Board’s Strategic Framework priority of managing our resources to ensure sustainability of services and investing in county employees.
The Board could deny this request for position allocation modifications for Planning and Building and revisions to the Comprehensive Compensation Schedule and Classification Summary.
This is not recommended as these changes will appropriately classify the current state of the work in Planning and Building and provide increased wages that should assist Planning and Building in recruiting and retaining qualified personnel to meet the needs of the public.
Attachment 1: Resolution No ________ Approving the Recommended Changes to the Comprehensive Compensation Schedule and Classification Summary.
Attachment 2: 2023-04-02 Comprehensive Compensation Schedule and Classification Summary.
Attachment 3: Job Specification for Permit Technician I/II.
Attachment 4: Job Specification for Senior Permit Technician.
Attachment 5: Job Specification for Permit Manager.
Attachment 6: Job Specification for Assistant/Associate Planner.
Attachment 7: Job Specification for Senior Planner.
Attachment 8: Job Specification for Planning Manager.
Meeting of: 01/04/2022
File No.: 22-12 and 22-19