To: Board of Supervisors
From: Human Resources
Agenda Section: Consent
Amendment to the Management and Confidential (M/C) Compensation Plan, Reallocation of One (1.0) Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Staff Services Analyst III (M/C) to Supervising Staff Services Analyst (M/C)
That the Board of Supervisors adopt Resolution No. ____:
1. Approving the amendment to the compensation plan between the County of Humboldt and Management and Confidential (M/C) employees for Units 8-9 to include the Merit System Services (MSS) classification of Supervising Staff Services Analyst (class 0393, range 473, bargaining unit 09) effective the pay period following Board approval; and
2. Approving the reallocation of one (1.0) full-time equivalent (FTE) Staff Services Analyst III (M/C) (class 0396, range 460, unit 09) in budget unit 511, occupied by Cynthia Hammers, to one (1.0) FTE Supervising Staff Services Analyst (M/C) (class 0393, range 473, unit 09) effective the pay period following Board approval.
Social Services Fund #1160
Merit System Services (MSS) manages Social Services for 25 California counties, including Humboldt County. In July 2018, a Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) was submitted to MSS for review of the Management and Confidential (M/C) classification of Staff Services Analyst III (class 0396, range 460, unit 09) in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) - Employee Services division, currently held by Cynthia Hammers. On October 25, 2018, MSS issued a letter to Connie Beck, Director of DHHS, stating that the duties being performed by the Staff Services III (M/C) incumbent appear to be beyond the scope of the Staff Services III (M/C) classification. MSS is recommending that the current incumbent, Cynthia Hammers, be reclassified to a Supervising Staff Services Analyst and that the position be designated as confidential (M/C).
Additionally, the County consulted with Koff & Associates, the vendor conducting the County-wide Classification and Compensation Study, who reviewed the October 25, 2018 letter from MSS and provided feedback to Human Resources in support of the recommendation from MSS. It is our recommendation to adopt the Supervising Staff Services Analyst classification specification into the Management and Confidential (M/C) compensation plan, bargaining unit 09 at range 473. Additionally, we recommend that the current incumbent, Cynthia Hammers, be reclassified from a Supervising Staff Services Analyst III (M/C) in DHHS - Employee Services to a Supervising Staff Services Analyst (M/C) in DHHS - Employee Services.
The increased costs associated with the reallocation of one (1.0) FTE Staff Services Analyst III (M&C) (class 0396, position 02, salary range 460) to one (1.0) FTE Supervising Staff Services Analyst (M&C) (class 0393, salary range 473, unit 09) for the remaining 21 pay periods is estimated at $4,820 for fiscal year 2019-20. This position resides in fund 1160, budget unit 511 - Social Services. This position’s costs will be cost allocated by time study through the County Expense Claim and funded by all associated Social Services funding sources. A budget adjustment is not being requested for the current fiscal year, as there are sufficient appropriations to cover the increased costs due to anticipated salary savings. There will be no impact to the County General Fund.
This action supports your Board’s Strategic Framework by providing community-appropriate levels of service.
Merit System Services (MSS)
The Board may choose not the adopt the classification of Supervising Staff Services Analyst into the Management and Confidential (M/C) compensation plan. This is not recommended, as MSS has identified the need for DHHS - Employee Services to have a Supervising Staff Services Analyst to provide first-level supervision over professional staff engaged in general administrative, personnel, staff development, fiscal, and/or program analytical work. These duties are beyond the scope of a Staff Services Analyst III classification and would leave the division without first-level supervision of staff. This would have a negative impact on DHHS - Employee Services’ ability to meet the needs of the department and of the community.
• Copy of the 2018-10-25 MSS Letter to Connie Beck regarding Staff Services Analyst III duties
• Copy of the 2019-09-03 M-C Salary Range & Classification Plan Proposal - Supervising Staff Services Analyst
• Copy of the MSS Staff Services Analyst III Job Specification
• Copy of the MSS Supervising Staff Services Analyst Job Specification
• Resolution No. ___
Board Order No.: N/A
Meeting of: August 21, 2018
File No.: 18-82