To: Board of Supervisors
From: Human Resources
Agenda Section: Consent
Ratification of the 2022-2024 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the County of Humboldt and the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO Local 1684 Representation Units 1 - 4 (AFSCME)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve and authorize the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Memorandum of Understanding with the AFSCME Units 1 - 4 (Attachment No. 1); for the term of 2022-2024 for the MOU between the County of Humboldt and AFSCME Units 1 - 4; and
2. Authorize and direct the Department of Human Resources to amend the Memorandum of Understanding with AFSCME Units 1 - 4 to include the adopted Comprehensive Compensation Salary and Classification Summary; and
3. Adopt Resolution No. ____ (Attachment No. 3) approving 1) amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Humboldt and AFSCME Units 1 - 4 2) adopting a Comprehensive Compensation Salary and Classification Summary (Attachment No. 5) effective January 2022, and 3) delegating authority to the Department of Human Resources to update the Comprehensive Compensation Salary and Classification Summary to reflect changes in future compensation approved by your Board.
All County Funds
The County of Humboldt and AFSCME have agreed to the matters set forth in the attached Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Representation Unit 1 - 4 (Attachment No. 1) for the term of 2022-2024.
The attachment MOU outlines agreed upon amendments and include the following:
1. Term: January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024
2. Base Wages: For all classifications represented in the AFSCME Units 1 - 4 will increase as follows:
1. 7.5% effective the first full pay period following Board of Supervisors’ adoption of the successor MOU or the first full pay period in January, 2022, whichever occurs later.
2. 2% effective the first full pay period in January 2023.
3. 2.5% effective the first full pay period in January 2024.
3. Equity Adjustments: The county will make equity adjustments to the following job classifications in the amounts specified effective the first full pay period in April 2022. These increases will be calculated using base wages in effect on April 1, 2022:
1. Accountant Auditor II 1.0%
2. Administrative Analyst I 6.5%
3. Bridge Crew Supervisor 5.0%
4. Communicable Disease Investigator I 15.5%
5. Communicable Disease Investigator II 11.5%
6. Correctional Deputy I 12.0%
7. Correctional Deputy II 12.0%
8. Election Worker 2.5%
9. Epidemiologist 16.5%
10. Juvenile Corrections Officer I 6.0%
11. Juvenile Corrections Officer II 6.0%
12. Laboratory Assistant I 12.5%
13. Laboratory Assistant II 2.0%
14. Planner II 9.0%
15. Senior Correctional Deputy 12.0%
16. Senior Juvenile Corrections Officer 6.0%
17. SSB Systems Support Analyst 10.0%
18. Staff Services Analyst I 6.5%
19. Substance Abuse Counselor I 4.0%
20. Substance Abuse Counselor II 5.0%
21. Substance Abuse Counselor Trainee 4.0%
22. Supervising Juvenile Corrections Officer 6.0%
23. Traffic Control Maintenance Worker 4.0%
24. Veterans Service Representative 19.5%
25. Vocational Counselor I 7.0%
26. Vocational Counselor II 5.5%
Beginning as soon as practicable, and prior to July, 2022, the County may periodically meet with the Union to discuss and implement changes recommended by consultants MRG to address internal alignments between job classification, compaction between classifications in job families or any other compensation changes recommended by MRG to implement the Koff and Associates study. Compensation changes resulting from these discussions will not reduce the equity adjustments described above, reduce wages for any employees in the bargaining unit or Y-rate any employees in the bargaining unit.
4. Health Insurance: The County’s health insurance premium supplement will increase from $100.00 per month to $200.00 per month and the sunset clause in Section 44.1 will end. The MOU will be amended as follows:
Effective for months following Board of Supervisors adoption of this MOU, the The County health insurance premium contribution for CalPERS health insurance plan year 2021 (December 2020 to November 2021) includes two components. 1) The County will pay a percentage of premiums for-the lowest cost CalPERS medical plan available in Humboldt County. Employee only coverage will be paid by the County at 89.61% of the monthly premium. Dependent coverage will be paid by the County at 69.01% of the monthly premium for employee and one dependent, and at 64.27% of the monthly premium for employee plus two or more dependents. 2) In addition, the County will pay up to an additional $200.00100.00 per month which combined with the first component shall not exceed one hundred percent of the monthly premium for the health insurance plan selected by the employee. These contributions are made through the County’s Flexible Benefit Plan, and are inclusive of the County’s required employer contribution as spelled out in subsection 44.2 herein. Unless the Parties extend the term of the MOU pursuant to Section 61.2, starting December, 2021, the County health insurance premium contribution will revert to the first component described above, the applicable percentage of the lowest cost plan and will not include the second component described above, the additional $100.00 monthly contribution.
5. Side Letters: Unless superseded by this proposal or other agreements reached during these negotiations, the MOU will be updated to match MOU language changes contained in:
1. Side Letter of Agreement - Certified Access Specialist Program and ADA Coordinator Certification Incentive Pay.
2. Side Letter of Agreement - Extension of Memorandum of Understanding to an inclusive of December 31, 2022. Note: Section 20.1.1 and Section 29.2.3 described in this side letter will not be added to the MOU.
6. MOU Updates: The Parties will meet periodically during the term of the Agreement to update, clarify, reorganize or otherwise improve the MOU through mutual agreement. The Parties will memorialize any mutually acceptable changes in side letters of agreement. The County may also reopen negotiations during the term of the MOU to negotiate impacts, if any, associated with changes made to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act and/or California Senate Bill 278.
Total costs from all funds for this compensation plan is estimated to be:
• $83.21 million for January 1, 2022 through the remainder of Fiscal Year 2021-2022
• $185.76 million for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
• $194.02 million for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
The cost to the General Fund is estimated to be:
• $20.05 million for January 1, 2022 through the remainder of Fiscal Year 2021-2022
• $45.51 million for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
• $47.45 million for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
The overall cost of this proposal is $462.99 million, however the increase in cost to the county resulting from this proposal is projected to be as follows:
• $3.2 million for January 1, 2022 through the remainder of Fiscal Year 2021-2022
• $16.94 million for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
• $21.51 million for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
This action supports your Board’s Strategic Framework by investing in county employees.
American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO Local 1684 Representation Units 1 - 4
Your Board could choose not to adopt the resolution ratifying the 2022-2024 MOU between the County and AFSCME; however, this is not recommended. This option is not recommended as the extension of the MOU between the County of Humboldt and AFSCME expired December 31, 2021.
1. Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Humboldt and the AFSCME for Representation Unit 1 - 4
2. Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Humboldt and the AFSCME for Representation Unit 1 - 4 in track changes
3. Resolution No.____ Approving the Memorandum of Understanding for Unit 1 - 4 (AFSCME, Local 1684)
4. Extension of Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Humboldt and the AFSCME inclusive of December 31, 2021
5. County of Humboldt Comprehensive Salary Schedule and Classification Summary effective January 9, 2022.
Board Order No.: Resolution No. 18-81 and 18-104
Meeting of: August 21, 2018, October 16, 2018, December 15, 2020 and April 6, 2021
File No.: 18-1105, 18-1357, 20-1616 and 21-403