To: Board of Supervisors
From: Sheriff
Agenda Section: Consent
Resolution for the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Division Grant Program Calendar Year 2022 and Supplemental Budget (4/5 Vote Required)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Accept and adopt Resolution No.____ (Attachment 1) authorizing the Chair to sign the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle governing body resolution with the California Department of Parks and Recreation Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division for the period January - December 2022;
2. Approve the Supplemental Budget for the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Division Grant Budget Unit 1100-221940 (Attachment 2) (4/5 vote required);
3. Authorize the Sheriff, Undersheriff and Deputy Director of Sheriff’s Administration to execute all the necessary reimbursement claims and future applications, in the name of the County of Humboldt, required by the California Department of Parks and Recreation for participation in the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle;
4. Authorize the Sheriff, Undersheriff and Deputy Director of Sheriff’s Administration to execute all the necessary contracts, agreements, and amendments thereto, in the name of the County of Humboldt, and all other documents required by the California Department of Parks and Recreation for participation in the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle program with approval from County Counsel; and
5. Direct the Clerk of the Board to return a signed copy of the governing body resolution to the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, Attention Tammi Gilbert for submittal to funding agency.
California Department of Parks and Recreation, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division
General Fund (1100)
The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has operated an Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) program since 2000. The OHV program has provided a Deputy Sheriff position for patrol of both the beach and dunes management area, and the beaches to the north and south where off-highway vehicles are heavily used by the public and create a continuing enforcement problem.
For several years this program has been supported in part by grant funds from the California Department of Parks and Recreation Off-Highway Vehicle Grant Program, pursuant to the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act of 2003. The allocation awarded to HCSO for 2022 equals $90,617 and requires a 25% match of $30,205.67 for a total grant value of $120,822.67.
The funding for continuation of the OHV program is $90,617 plus a match of $30,205.67 totaling $120,822.67 for the program. Program funds will be used for Deputy Sheriff salaries and overtime as well as equipment and maintenance of off-highway vehicles.
The Sheriff Operations budget unit 1100-221 has a $30,205.67 reserve built into the budget in object code 2123 Special Departmental to match this grant and has submitted an appropriation transfer request to the Auditor’s Office to move the funds from 1100-221 to the grant budget unit 1100-221940. A supplemental budget is requested for the grant funds of $90,617 (Attachment 2). No additional General Fund contribution will be needed.
This action supports your Board’s Strategic Framework by seeking outside funding sources to benefit Humboldt County needs while enforcing laws and regulations to protect residents.
California Department of Parks and Recreation
The Board could deny the authorization to accept the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle program funds, however, this is not recommended as these funds cover expenses related to the county's off-highway motor vehicle activities. Without this funding HCSO would be forced to curtail or terminate the program.
Attachment 1: Resolution No._____ Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Governing Body Resolution
Attachment 2: Supplemental Budget for the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Grant 1100-221940
Board Order No.: N/A
Meeting of: N/A
File No.: N/A