To: Board of Supervisors
From: County Administrative Office
Agenda Section: Time Certain Matter
Vote Requirement: Majority
9:30 AM - Adoption of 2025 Legislative Platform
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Provide input and direction to staff as desired regarding the proposed state and federal legislative platforms for 2025; and
2. Provide input and direction as desired on state and federal policy issues to receive priority advocacy services; and
3. Prioritize congressional and state direct funding requests; and
4. Adopt the proposed state and federal legislative platforms, incorporating any changes desired by the Board, as the final platforms for 2025; and
5. Direct the County Administrative Officer to submit the final version of the legislative platform to the state and federal officials, county-related associations and others, as appropriate; and
6. Authorize and direct the County Administrative Officer to advocate as needed to support the county’s legislative platform, and resolutions adopted by the Board.
This action supports the following areas of your Board’s Strategic Plan.
Area of Focus: Sustainable Natural Resources & Infrastructure Stewardship
Strategic Plan Category: 5001 - Enhance climate adaptation landscapes and communities
Each year, Humboldt County departments review and recommend state and federal legislation that would improve and enhance county financing, operation, and efficiency in service delivery. The county contracts with Shaw/Yoder/Antwih/Schmelzer/Lange (SYASL) to provide state legislative advocacy on behalf of the county and to advise departments on legislative proposals. In late September, Karen Lange of SYASL met with a number of department heads regarding particular state issues and also spoke to your Board regarding the county’s legislative advocacy efforts during the 2024 session of the California Legislature. SYASL later reviewed the state portion of the legislative platform.
The county contracts with Paragon Government Relations for federal legislative advocacy services and to advise departments on legislative proposals. Joe Krahn, Hasan Sarsour and Tom Joseph of Paragon met with your Board and several department heads in October to discuss federal issues impacting the county, and they have reviewed the federal portion of the 2025 Legislative Platform.
The platforms being presented to your Board today are the result of 4 months of collaborative work between departments, the County Administrative Office, partners, SYASL, and Paragon. The platforms take into consideration your Board’s Strategic Priority Framework. These platforms are being submitted to your Board for review and modification as your Board finds appropriate.
The platform is organized by policy area, similar to those used by the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) to provide for easier tracking. Each support/oppose position is still backed by a document explaining the background. Items in red are proposed to be added or deleted.
Recommended actions:
In order to most effectively approach advocacy services staff is seeking direction on identification of the primary legislative priorities based on relative importance to the Board and in consideration of the state and federal agendas. Identifying a primary list of state and federal priorities would allow the county, SYASL, and Paragon to work more effectively with state legislators and members of Congress, as well as applicable agencies and would ensure that the county’s effectiveness is not diluted.
Below your Board will find current year priorities along with recommendations for 2025 priorities:
Recommendation 2: Provide input on Proposed Legislative Priorities
1. Integration of hemp in cannabis supply chain
(Agriculture, Environment & Natural Resources: Item 1h)
2. Resources to support offshore wind, provide community benefits
(Agriculture, Environment & Natural Resources: Item 4c)
3. Public health infrastructure and prevention funding
(Health & Human Services: Item 5b)
4. Donation, sale or leasing of government property and facilities to the county
(Government, Finance and Administration: Item 7f)
5. Account for rural considerations in organic products requirements in SB 1383
(Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources: Item 6a)
Recommendation 3: Prioritize Congressional and State Directed Funding Requests
Humboldt’s state and congressional representatives typically ask for direct spending requests, or earmarks, in the spring. The requests are chosen by lawmakers and submitted to their respective governments and committee for inclusion into already established funding mechanisms. These requests must be prioritized by agencies submitting more than one request, and the county has been advised to only submit the proposals that are best positioned for speedy execution.
This year the county has prepared four directed funding requests, and staff are requesting your Board prioritize them by order of preference. Below are staff’s recommendations:
Congressional funding requests:
1. Redwood Drive, Garberville Complete Streets (Attachment 4)
2. Public Health Lab (Attachment 3)
3. Capacity Building for Offshore Wind (Attachment 5)
4. Scenic Drive (Attachment 6)
State funding requests
1. Capacity Building for Offshore Wind (Attachment 5)
2. Public Health Lab (Attachment 3)
3. Redwood Drive, Garberville Complete Streets (Attachment 4)
4. Scenic Drive (Attachment 6)
All county funds
Narrative Explanation of Financial Impact:
There is no immediate financial impact to approving the Legislative Platform. However, if one or more of the direct funding requests are approved, the county would potentially receive amounts specified in the request forms.
Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impact:
Approving the Legislative Platform and identifying the issues that should receive priority advocacy services will allow staff to be more efficient when working with state and federal agencies and lawmakers on behalf of the county.
All county departments, Harbor District, Redwood Coast Energy Authority
Board discretion
1. Clean 2025 Legislative Platform
2. Redlined 2025 Legislative Platform
3. CAO - Offshore Wind Capacity Building Direct Spending Request
4. Public Works, Redwood Drive Direct Spending Request
5. Public Works, Scenic Drive Direct Spending Request
6. Public Health Lab Direct Spending Request
Meeting of: Jan. 30, 2024
File No.: 24-139