To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Approve the List of Qualified Code Enforcement Abatement Contractors and Authorize the Director of Planning and Building to Execute Professional Services Agreements with Selected Contractors
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve the pre-qualification list for contractors and consultants to perform abatement of public nuisances;
2. Authorize the Director of Planning and Building to execute professional service agreements with the prequalified contractors and consultants for the purpose of performing county abatement of nuisance properties for a period of two years in a form substantially like the professional services agreement attached hereto as Attachment C;
3. Authorize the Director of Planning and Building to sign any modifications and/or amendments and documents relating to the agreements as may be required upon review and approval of County Counsel and Risk Management; and
4. Authorize the Director of Planning and Building to execute future task order agreements with qualified contractors for the purpose of establishing project specific terms and details after review and approval of County Counsel and Risk Management.
This action supports the following areas of your Board’s Strategic Plan.
Area of Focus: Core Services/Other
Strategic Plan Category: 9999 - Core Services/Other
The Planning and Building Department seeks Board approval to enter into Professional Service Agreements with ten (10) qualified contractors for the purpose of assisting the department in performing Code Enforcement public nuisance abatements. In a minority of Code Enforcement Cases, the only remedy to resolve the violation is through a County Abatement of a Property. There is a prescribed process followed before this can occur. In situations where abatement is required, the County has been using pre-qualified contractors to complete the abatements. The existing list is expiring and needs to be renewed.
On July 26, 2024, the Planning and Building Department issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) Number PLN2024-03 (Attachment A) for assistance with Code Enforcement abatement projects. Ten (10) companies responded to the Request for Proposal demonstrating their specific area(s) of expertise. After evaluating the responses, the Planning and Building Department determined the following ten (10) companies were responsive.
• Mercer-Fraser Company
• William J. Etter
• Northcoast Environmental Construction
• Mobley Construction
• Wahlund Construction, Inc.
• Johns’ Group, Inc.
• K.H. McKenny, Inc.
• McCullough Construction, Inc.
• Mattole Valley Construction
• ATC Building and Electrical Contractor
These companies were selected to perform a variety of services due to their thoroughness of response, expertise in their field and successful work with other jurisdictions. The contactors and consultants will be utilized rotationally based on their specific expertise as it pertains to each individual abatement project. Attachment B indicates the specific areas of demonstrated expertise for each qualified contractor. A Task Order in much the same format as Attachment D will be used to define the terms of each specific project and will include details such as location, scope of services, cost estimates, timelines and deliverables.
Using prequalified contractors has been working well in the abatement process. It is efficient allowing contractors to be assigned and complete the work without going through a new qualification process for each abatement. This greatly reduces the time it takes to conduct an abatement.
1100269 Code Enforcement
The cost of abatements will be paid from General Fund, Code Enforcement (1100269) Nuisance Abatement (631130). Historically Code Enforcement has received $500,000 per fiscal year. If additional fiscal year funding is necessary for a significant abatement, the request for additional funding will come before your Board for approval, prior to the execution of task order. For each project, the recovery of the abatement costs will become a charge against the affected property and made a special assessment pursuant to the process specified in Humboldt County Code section 351-16 et seq. Individual agreements will have a maximum payable of $200,000, unless amended based on need and available budget. The costs will be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary property taxes. No general fund allocation beyond that currently budgeted is being requested.
The Board could choose not to approve staff recommendation to award contracts to selected vendors to assist with County abatements services. This alternative is not recommended because the benefit of having the contracted abatement services contractors will continue to streamline the abatement process and increase the County’s ability to complete abatements in a timely manner.
Attachment A: Request for Proposals No. 20-02 Code Enforcement Abatement Services
Attachment B: List of Abatement Services
Attachment C: Sample Professional Services Agreement
Attachment D: Sample Task Order
Meeting of: 12/15/2020
File No.: 20-1540