To: Planning Commission
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Parks - Final Map Subdivision Extension
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 510-193-039
Record No.: PLN-2024-19037
McKinleyville area
A two-year extension of a Major Subdivision (PLN-2019-15467 and PLN-2020-16880) of one approximately 1.54 acre parcel into nine lots between 5,002 square feet (net) and 11,860 square feet (gross). The site is developed with two single family residences that will remain on proposed Lots 1 and 2, respectively. Pursuant to Section 325-9 of the Subdivision Regulations, an exception request was submitted to allow a reduced right of way width. The parcels will be served with community water and sewer provided by the McKinleyville Community Services District.
That the Planning Commission:
1. Adopt the resolution (Resolution 24-__), (Attachment 1) which does the following:
a. Finds an Initial Study & Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the project was adopted on August 6, 2020, and further environmental review is unnecessary as no changes to the project are proposed; and
b. Finds the proposed project complies with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance; and
c. Approves the Final Map Subdivision Extension subject to the original conditions of approval.
Project Location:
This project is located in the McKinleyville area, on the west side of McKinleyville Avenue, approximately 120 feet north from the intersection of McKinleyville Avenue and West Bates Road, on the property known as 2416 McKinleyville Avenue.
Present General Plan Land Use Designation:
Residential Low Density (RL1-7), Density: Range is 1 to 7 units per acre, McKinleyville Community Plan (MCCP), 2017 General Plan, Slope Stability: Relatively Stable (0)
Present Zoning:
Residential One Family (R-1), Noise Impact (N)
Environmental Review/CEQA:
An Initial Study & Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the project was adopted on August 6, 2020. Further environmental review is unnecessary as no changes to the project are proposed.
State Appeal:
The project is not appealable to the California Coastal Commission.
Major Concerns:
Executive Summary:
A two-year extension of a Major Subdivision (PLN-2019-15467 and PLN-2020-16880) of one approximately 1.54 acre parcel into nine lots between 5,002 square feet (net) and 11,860 square feet (gross). The site is developed with two single family residences that will remain on proposed Lots 1 and 2, respectively. Pursuant to Section 325-9 of the Subdivision Regulations, an exception request was submitted to allow a reduced right of way width. The parcels will be served with community water and sewer provided by the McKinleyville Community Services District.
The original permit was a subdivision of two parcels into ten lots, but a Modification adding a Lot Line Adjustment was included as part of the same action for a previous extension. This Lot Line Adjustment resulted in two parcels of 9,243 square feet and 1.54 acres. The 1.54 acre parcel is the only parcel being subdivided. The Lot Line Adjustment has been completed.
The permit was previously approved by the Planning Commission on August 6, 2020, and became effective on August 20, 2020, following the end of the local appeal period, then modified and extended on April 1, 2021, effective April 13, 2021 which extended the approval until August 21, 2024. The applicant is requesting that the permit be extended for two years. This is the second extension requested by the applicant and if approved it will extend the term of the Final Map Subdivision until August 21, 2026.
Referral Responses:
The extension was re-referred to five of the previous referral agencies. PG&E provided standard comment regarding required language for Public Utility Easement dedication. The Arcata Fire Protection District, McKinleyville Community Services District, and the County Department of Public Works approved of the proposal without additional comment.
The project was referred to responsible agencies and all responding agencies have either responded with no comment or recommended approval or conditional approval. (Attachment 5)
1. The Planning Commission could elect not to approve the project. This alternative should be implemented if your Commission is unable to make all of the required findings per H.C.C. Sections 312-11.3 and 312-17. Planning Division staff has found that the required findings can be made. Consequently, planning staff does not recommend further consideration of this alternative.
1. Resolution
A. Resolutions previously Approved by Planning Commission (Resolution #20-50 & Resolution #21-40)
B. Conditions of Approval
C. Site Plan
2. Location Maps
3. Applicant’s Evidence in Support of the Required Findings
4. Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations
Alan Parks
2422 McKinleyville Ave
McKinleyville, CA 95519
Sharon M. & Alan G. Parks
2422 McKinleyville Ave
McKinleyville, CA 95519
Please contact Augustus Grochau, Associate Planner, at or 707-268-3749 if you have questions about this item.