To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Deallocate 2.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Administrative Analyst I/II Positions and 2.0 FTE Senior Office Assistants in the Planning and Building Department
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Deallocate 1.0 FTE Administrative Analyst I/II position in budget unit 1100268 (Cannabis Planning)
2. Allocate 1.0 FTE Senior Office Assistant position in budget unit 1100268 (Cannabis Planning)
3. Deallocate 1.0 FTE Administrative Analyst I/II position in budget unit 1100277 (Current Planning)
4. Allocate 1.0 FTE Senior Office Assistant position in budget unit 1100277 (Current Planning)
Permit fees and current General Fund allocations in budget units 1100268 (Cannabis Planning and 1100277 (Current Planning)
The Planning and Building Department has an increased need for office support work due to the number of permit applications being processed by the department. The current staffing allocations in the Planning and Building Department have relied on allocated Administrative Analyst positions to provide office support. By deallocating the Administrative Analyst positions and allocating Senior Office Assistant positions, the positions will better align with the work to be performed.
The Planning and Building Department currently has 3.0 FTE Administrative Analyst I/II positions and 1.0 FTE Administrative Analyst (Management & Confidential Bargaining Unit). These positions meet the current analytical needs of the department.
The request to allocate 2.0 FTE Senior Office Assistants will allow the department to assign work that aligns with the job description. The agenda materials for the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission and Zoning Administrator in addition to administrative decisions has traditionally gone through a single position. The volume of items on these agendas makes this untenable. In addition to hearing preparation, there is a significant amount of detailed work to be performed with post-decision actions, including but not limited to notifications to applicants and monitoring appeal periods. There is also a large workload associated with the Long-Range Planning team that will require support. Two Senior Office Assistants would allow the department to better disperse agenda responsibilities.
Administrative Analysts have different job requirements and qualifications and these positions would not be suited for completing the primary administrative support need of the department.
This request will result in a reduction in salary expenses in both budget unit 1100268 (Cannabis Services) and 1100277 (Current Planning). Annual savings will range from $4,455.88 to $21,091.20 for each position. The Administrative Analyst is a I/II position with a higher entry-level wage and a broader salary range resulting from the I/II position. The Senior Office Assistant is a single classification with a lower entry-level wage and there is no I/II classification. Based on the anticipated salary reduction, no supplemental budget request is submitted with this request.
This action supports your Board’s Strategic Framework by managing our resources to ensure sustainability of services.
The Board could choose to deny this request and maintain current staffing levels. This is not recommended because the current elevated staffing allocation exceeds the level of work required by the department.
1. Senior Office Assistant job description
2. Administrative Analyst I/II job description
Board Order No.: N/A
Meeting of: N/A
File No.: N/A