To: Board of Supervisors
From: County Administrative Office
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: 4/5th
Final Acceptance of the District Attorney’s Office Flooring Project, Project Number 2023-103 and Appropriation Transfer for District Attorney Budget Unit 1100-205 (4/5 Vote Required)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Accept the completion of the District Attorney’s Office Flooring Project, Project Number 2023-103; and
2. Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or a designee thereof, to execute the attached Notice of Completion for the District Attorney’s Office Flooring Project, Project Number 2023-103; and
3. Approve the attached fiscal year 2024-2025 appropriation transfer for the District Attorney budget unit 1100-205 in the amount of $44,834 (4/5 Vote Required); and
4. Direct the Clerk of the Board to provide the County Administrative Office with one fully executed certified copy of the Board order related to this item.
The recommended actions support the following areas of the Board of Supervisors’ Strategic Plan:
Area of Focus: Workforce & Operational Excellence
Strategic Plan Category: 3002 - Invest in county facilities
On Oct. 20, 2022, the County of Humboldt entered into a consultant services agreement with Nichols, Melburg and Rossetto Architects (“NMR”) regarding the provision of professional design services related to improvements intended to remediate barriers to access as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and complete needed tenant improvements to the Humboldt County District Attorney’s Office. The project consisted of removing and disposing of the existing deteriorated carpeting, repairs to light weight concrete flooring substrate, disassembly, relocation and reinstallation of furniture in the space using professional movers, installation of new low maintenance, non-wax, premium vinyl commercial flooring, new baseboard and paint in select areas inside the office and public hallways. Humboldt County ADA Compliance Team staff renovated the employee breakroom making it compliant with the ADA and more user friendly for staff.
On Nov. 28, 2023, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors (“Board”) authorized the District Attorney’s Office Flooring Project to be advertised for public bid. The Board subsequently authorized the bid award for the District Attorney’s Office Flooring Project to Adam’s Commercial General Contracting, Inc. (“ACGC”) in the amount of $388,744 on May 11, 2024.
Since that bid award, three change orders have been executed resulting in a reduction to the overall project cost by $10,368. The first change order in the amount of $37,942, reduced the project phasing from 10 phases to five phases and added painting in six offices. The second change order in the amount of $24,553, was necessary when ACGC found that the existing lightweight concrete flooring substrate was in a condition that was not suitable for installation of new flooring thereby jeopardizing the manufacturer’s warranty. To remedy this deficiency, ACGC was directed by County of Humboldt staff and NMR to apply an epoxy hardener to all substrate surfaces prior to installation of the new flooring. Since the repairs, the manufacturer has provided the County of Humboldt a customized manufacturer’s warranty. The third change order, in the amount of $3,021, added painting for six additional offices and recuperation costs incurred by the County of Humboldt for project impacts caused by one of the subcontractors. All three change orders reduced ACGC ‘s total contract award to $378,376.
ACGC has substantially completed their contractual obligations and therefore the District Attorney’s Office Flooring Project can be accepted as complete in accordance with the contract documents. The Board must accept the project prior to filing final acceptance. After the Board’s acceptance, the required Notice of Completion can be filed with the Humboldt County Recorder and the mandatory 35-day lien period can begin. Following completion of the lien period, the County of Humboldt can release or reduce the payment retention, provided that no stop notices have been filed and any remaining contract work has been completed.
District Attorney Asset Forfeiture Fund, Special Narcotic Investigation Fund (3921)
Expenditures (1100-205) |
FY24-25 |
Budgeted Expenses |
$345,000.00 |
Additional Appropriation Requested |
$44,834.00 |
Total Expenditures |
$389,834.00 |
Funding Sources (1100-205) |
FY24-25 |
Asset Forfeiture |
$389,834.00 |
Total Funding Sources |
$389,834.00 |
The total cost for the construction of the District Attorney’s Office Flooring Project was $396,448. Approximately $6,594, was paid toward project costs in fiscal year 2023-2024 for project design. In fiscal year 2024-2025 approximately $389,854 will cover the remaining costs of design, construction and renovations conducted in house by County of Humboldt staff to the employee breakroom. In fiscal year 2024-2025, the District Attorney’s Office budgeted $345,000 to cover project costs resulting in a budget shortfall $44,834. The attached appropriation transfer in the total amount of $44,834 will move sufficient appropriation from fixed asset line, Computer Software 8533, and services and supplies line, Computer Software 2148, to support the remaining project expenditures. Funding for this project will be transferred from the Special Narcotic Investigation Fund 3921.
The recommended actions will not impact current staffing levels.
The Board may choose not to accept the recommended actions. However, this alternative is not recommended as ACGC has completed their contractual obligations and therefore are entitled to the release of retention at the conclusion of the 35- day lien period.
1. Notice of Completion
2. Appropriation Transfer
Meeting of: 11/28/2023, 5/21/2024
File No.: 23-1398, 24-838