File #: 25-21    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Informational Report Status: Passed
File created: 12/5/2024 In control: Human Resources
On agenda: 12/17/2024 Final action: 12/17/2024
Title: Adoption of the Compensation Schedule to Implement 2025 California Minimum Wage
Strategic Framework: 3000 – WORKFORCE & OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE, 3001 – Support a well-trained workforce
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. 2024-12-22 Compensation Schedule, 3. Resolution, 4. Resolution No. 24-139
Previous Action/Referral: 22-12


To:                                                               Board of Supervisors


From:                                          Human Resources                                          


Agenda Section:                     Consent                     


Vote Requirement:                     Majority




Adoption of the Compensation Schedule to Implement 2025 California Minimum Wage





That the Board of Supervisors:

1.                     Adopt the Compensation Schedule effective December 22, 2024 (Attachment 1); and

2.                     Approve the revised salary ranges as follows, effective December 22, 2024:

                     Medical Office Assistant I/II (classification # 0574A/B), from salary ranges 338/349 to salary ranges 341/351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Building Maintenance Custodian (classification # 0268), from salary range 339 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Recordable Documents Examiner I (37.5) (classification # 0155A), from salary range 325 to salary range 328, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Recordable Documents Examiner I/II (classification # 0155A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Animal Shelter and Care Attendant I (classification # 0440A), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Assessment Technician I (classification # 0172A), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Child Care Worker (classification # 1732), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Child Support Assistant I (MSS) (classification # 0366A), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Custodian (classification # 0276), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Senior Custodian (classification # 0366A), from salary range 348 to salary range 351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Election Worker (classification # 0191), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Election Worker - Rover (classification # 0192), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Fiscal Assistant I (classification # 0177A), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Laborer (classification # 0266), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Legal Clerk I/II (classification # 0351A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Legal Office Assistant I/II (classification # 0178A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Library Assistant I/II (classification # 0157A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Library Shipping Clerk (classification # 0156), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Mail Services Driver (classification # 0162), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Medical Clinic Assistant I/II (classification # 0513A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Mental Health Cook’s Aide (classification # 0435), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Office Assistant I/II (classification # 0179A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Parent Partner I/II (classification # 0578A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Parent Partner III (classification # 0579), from salary range 358 to salary range 361, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Peer Coach I/II (classification # 0576A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Peer Coach III (classification # 0577), from salary range 358 to salary range 361, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Services Support Assistant I (classification # 1137A), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Stock Clerk (classification # 1733), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Student Professional Worker (classification # 0673), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Vocational Trainee (classification # 0742T), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Vocational Assistant (MSS) (classification # 0742), from salary range 348 to salary range 351, effective the pay period following board approval; and

3.                     Abolish the Page classification (classification # 0190) from the classification system effective the pay period following board approval; and

4.                     Adopt the Resolution (Attachment 2) approving the amendment of the 2022-2024 Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Humboldt and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.




This action supports the following areas of your Board’s Strategic Plan.


Area of Focus:  Workforce & Operational Excellence                     

Strategic Plan Category:  3001 - Support a well-trained workforce



The government of the State of California has increased the minimum wage from $16 per hour to $16.50 per hour, effective January 1, 2025. Human Resources recommends implementing the following salary range increases in order to be compliant with the new legally required minimum wage, as well as maintain internal alignment of classifications:


                     Medical Office Assistant I/II (classification # 0574A/B), from salary ranges 338/349 to salary ranges 341/351; and

                     Building Maintenance Custodian (classification # 0268), from salary range 339 to salary range 341; and

                     Recordable Documents Examiner I (37.5) (classification # 0155A), from salary range 325 to salary range 328; and

                     Recordable Documents Examiner I/II (classification # 0155A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351; and

                     Animal Shelter and Care Attendant I (classification # 0440A), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Assessment Technician I (classification # 0172A), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Childcare Worker (classification # 1732), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Child Support Assistant I (MSS) (classification # 0366A), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Custodian (classification # 0276), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Senior Custodian (classification # 0366A), from salary range 348 to salary range 351; and

                     Election Worker (classification # 0191), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Election Worker - Rover (classification # 0192), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Fiscal Assistant I (classification # 0177A), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Laborer (classification # 0266), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Legal Clerk I/II (classification # 0351A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351; and

                     Legal Office Assistant I/II (classification # 0178A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351; and

                     Library Assistant I/II (classification # 0157A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351; and

                     Library Shipping Clerk (classification # 0156), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Mail Services Driver (classification # 0162), from salary range 338 to salary range 341, effective the pay period following board approval; and

                     Medical Clinic Assistant I/II (classification # 0513A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351; and

                     Mental Health Cook’s Aide (classification # 0435), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Office Assistant I/II (classification # 0179A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351; and

                     Parent Partner I/II (classification # 0578A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351; and

                     Parent Partner III (classification # 0579), from salary range 358 to salary range 361; and

                     Peer Coach I/II (classification # 0576A/B), from salary ranges 338/348 to salary ranges 341/351; and

                     Peer Coach III (classification # 0577), from salary range 358 to salary range 361; and

                     Services Support Assistant I (classification # 1137A), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Stock Clerk (classification # 1733), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Student Professional Worker (classification # 0673), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Vocational Trainee (classification # 0742T), from salary range 338 to salary range 341; and

                     Vocational Assistant (MSS) (classification # 0742), from salary range 348 to salary range 351; and


Human Resources recommends implementing this on December 22, 2024, as this is the pay period that encompasses January 1, 2025, and will ensure the county is compliant with the $16.50 minimum wage requirement on that date.



All County Funds.



Expenditures (Various)


FY25-26 Projected*

Budgeted Expenses



Additional Appropriation Requested



Total Expenditures



*Projected amounts are estimates and are subject to change.

Funding Sources (Various)


FY25-26 Projected*

General Fund



DHHS Funds



Other Funds



Total Funding Sources



*Projected amounts are estimates and are subject to change.


Narrative Explanation of Financial Impact:

The estimated impact of the increase in minimum wage for FY 2024-25 is $75,657 across 9 funds, impacting DHHS funds the most. It is anticipated that these funds and budget units will have sufficient salary savings to cover these increases in FY 2024-25. The increase will be included in future annual budget cycles.



Narrative Explanation of Staffing Impact:

This item has no staffing impact, other than the increase in wages for the affected classifications.






Your Board can choose not to implement these changes, although it is not recommended as we are legally required to pay employees’ at least minimum wage.



Attachment 1 - 2024-12-22 Compensation Schedule

Attachment 2 - Resolution No. ___________



Meeting of: 01/04/2022

File No.: 22-12