File #: 24-1161    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: New Business
File created: 7/22/2024 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 8/1/2024 Final action:
Title: Wennerholm Minor Subdivision Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 206-211-014 Record No.: PLN-2024-17362 Carlotta area A Minor Subdivision of an approximately 6.7-acre parcel into two parcels of approximately 3.1 acres (Parcel 1) and 3.6 acres (Parcel 2). The property is currently developed with a residence, an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), garage, and a barn. The ADU will become the primary dwelling on Parcel 1, and all other existing development will be located on proposed Parcel 2. Access to both parcels is provided by a 50-foot non-exclusive easement. Water for the residences is provided by an existing well located on proposed Parcel 1. Sewage disposal for existing development is currently handled by two on-site waste treatment systems (OWTS). The resulting parcels will each feature one OWTS. This subdivision was previously approved and recently expired.
Attachments: 1. 19015 Staff Report 8.1.24, 2. Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution, 3. Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval, 4. Attachment 1B - PW Referral Response 07.08.2024, 5. Attachment 1C - Revised Tentative Map 07.09.2024, 6. Attachment 2 - Applicant Submitted Information, 7. Attachment 2A - Onsite Septic Design 07.13.2021, 8. Attachment 2B - Dry Weather Testing 09.21.2021, 9. Attachment 3 - Referral Comments, 10. Attachment 4 - PC Resolution 22-041_Wennerholm Minor Subdivision_17362
Previous Action/Referral: 17362

To:                                                               Planning Commission


From:                                          Planning and Building Department                                          


Agenda Section:                     Consent                                                               




Wennerholm Minor Subdivision

Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 206-211-014

Record No.: PLN-2024-17362        

Carlotta area


A Minor Subdivision of an approximately 6.7-acre parcel into two parcels of approximately 3.1 acres (Parcel 1) and 3.6 acres (Parcel 2). The property is currently developed with a residence, an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), garage, and a barn. The ADU will become the primary dwelling on Parcel 1, and all other existing development will be located on proposed Parcel 2. Access to both parcels is provided by a 50-foot non-exclusive easement. Water for the residences is provided by an existing well located on proposed Parcel 1. Sewage disposal for existing development is currently handled by two on-site waste treatment systems (OWTS). The resulting parcels will each feature one OWTS. This subdivision was previously approved and recently expired.





That the Planning Commission:

1.                     Adopt the resolution (Resolution 24-__). (Attachment 1) which does the following:

a.                     Finds that the project is consistent with the development density and policies established by an existing community plan and General Plan for which an EIR was certified, and that no additional environmental review is required per section 15183 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and

b.                     Makes all the required findings for approval of the Parcel Map Subdivision; and

c.                     Approves the Wennerholm Parcel Map Subdivision subject to the recommended conditions of approval (Attachment 1A).




Project Location:

The project is located in Humboldt County, in the Carlotta area, on the East side of Sunny Slope Lane, approximately 700 feet north from the intersection of State Highway 36 and Sunny Slope Lane, on the property known as 139 Sunny Slope Lane.


Present General Plan Land Use Designation:

Residential Estates (RE2.5-5). Carlotta / Hydesville Community Planning Area, 2017 General Plan. Density: 2.5 to 5 acres per unit, Slope Stability: Low Instability (1).


Present Zoning:

AG (Agriculture General)


Environmental Review:

Project is exempt from further environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 - Projects consistent with a Community Plan, General Plan, or Zoning.


State Appeal:

Project is outside of the Coastal Zone, so it is not appealable to the California Coastal Commission.


Major Concerns:



Executive Summary:

A Minor Subdivision of an approximately 6.7-acre parcel into two parcels of approximately 3.1 acres (Parcel 1) and a 3.6 acre remainder (Parcel 2). The property is currently developed with a residence, an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), garage, and a barn. The ADU will become the primary dwelling on Parcel 1, and all other existing development will be located on proposed Parcel 2. Access to both parcels is provided by a 25 -foot non-exclusive easement. Water for the residences is provided by an existing well located on proposed Parcel 1. Sewage disposal for existing development is currently handled by two on-site waste treatment systems (OWTS). The resulting parcels will each feature one OWTS. The Planning Commission approved this subdivision on April 7, 2022, however the subdivision has since expired and re-approval is required. No changes are proposed from the project as originally approved and no changes to agency requirements or environmental conditions have occurred.



Access to both parcels is provided by a 25-foot non-exclusive easement identified as Sunny Slope Lane. Sunny Slope Lane intersects with State Highway 36 at its southernmost point.


Geologic Suitability:

The site topography slopes gently from north to southwest at 1.6% grade to the proposed subdivision line where a more dramatic slope of 28% runs for approximately 70 feet southwest and levels off to an average grade of 1.6% toward the southwest property line. The Seismic Safety of the parcel is mapped as Low Instability (1).


Public Works Referral Response

In lieu of a preliminary subdivision report, a preliminary title report was prepared June 3rd, 2021 to satisfy County Code Section 323-6(c). The County Surveyor will likely require an updated preliminary title report in order to review the parcel map. Based on the Public Works memo dated July 8, 2024, a revised map, provided by a licensed surveyor or engineer in the State of California, will be submitted to show monumentation as required by County Code Section 326-15 and 324-3. A period of 24 months is allowed from the date of approval to prepare the required documentation and complete the project. The project may not commence without review and approval of the required submissions by the Department of Public Works (Condition of Approval 3).


Existing Site Conditions

The project site is located approximately 500 feet north of the CA-36 corridor on Sunnyslope Lane. The parcel is zoned Agriculture General (AG) with the Residential Estates (RE2.5-5) land use designation and is surrounded by similarly zoned and designated parcels between 2.5 and 5 acres in size. Site vegetation is dominated by open grassland with historic grazing use. The parcel is bordered on the northwest by a legacy elevated railroad bed under the management of the North Coast Railroad Authority (NCRA). The property subdivision will divide the parcel along a landscape feature that will create Parcel 1 at an elevation 20 feet higher than Parcel 2 where the existing residence is located. The southern property corner is approximately 1,150 feet from the nearest identified wetland to the southwest along the Van Duzen River, and the northernmost property corner is approximately 295 feet from Cuddleback Creek to the northwest.


General Plan and Zoning Consistency

The development of a Minor Subdivision is consistent with the density requirements of 1-5 acres per unit as described in the General Plan Land Use Element designation of Residential Estates (RE 2.5-5) and the Carlotta/Hydesville Community Plan.


Tribal Consultation

The previous subdivision project onsite, PLN-2021-17362, was referred to the Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria and Northwest Information Center (NWIC) on July 15, 2021 and response was received July 20, 2021. In that response, the Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria Tribal Historic Preservation Office recommended that an archaeological monitor be present onsite during all excavation. This recommendation would have applied to the development of the Accessory Dwelling Unit that was approved by a Special Permit in the same project action, PLN-2021-17362. The removal of the Special Permit for the ADU is the only difference between this project and the project that had been referred to the Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria. Because no ground disturbance will be approved as a result of this subdivision, this recommendation has been omitted from the Recommended Conditions of Approval but should be considered when evaluating any future development onsite. NWIC responded July 21, 2021, and stated that they did not have record of any previous cultural resource studies in the area and recommended consultation with the local tribes.



OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT:                     

The project was referred to responsible agencies and all responding agencies have either responded with no comment, recommended approval, or recommended conditional approval. (Attachment 4)



1.                     The Planning Commission could elect to add or delete conditions of approval.

2.                     The Planning Commission could elect not to approve the proposed minor subdivision. This alternative should be implemented if the Commission is unable to make all the required findings. Planning Division staff has concluded that the required findings in support of the proposal can be made. Consequently, planning staff does not recommend further consideration of this alternative.



1.                     Draft Resolution

A.                     Conditions of Approval

B.                     Public Works Department Conditions of Approval

C.                     Tentative Map and Site Plan

2.                     Applicant’s Evidence in Support of the Required Findings

A.                     Onsite Wastewater Treatment Design

B.                     Dry Weather Well Production Test

3.                     Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations

4.                     Planning Commission Resolution 22-041



Don Wennerholm

PO Box 356

Carlotta, CA 95528



Don & Melisa Wennerholm

PO Box 356

Carlotta, CA 95528




Please contact Augustus Grochau, Associate Planner, at or (707) 268-3749 if you have questions about this item.