To: Board of Supervisors
From: Aviation
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Professional Services Agreement with Vector Airport Systems, LLC Regarding the Provision of an Airport Landing and Parking Surveillance, Tracking, Billing and Collection System
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Receive and file the proposals submitted in response to Request for Proposals No. AV2024-002 regarding the provision of an airport landing and parking surveillance, tracking, billing, and collection system; and
2. Approve the selection of Vector Airport Systems, LLC as the vendor to provide an airport landing and parking surveillance, tracking, billing, and collection system for the period of February 1, 2025, through January 31, 2030; and
3. Approve, and authorize the Acting Director of Aviation, or a designee thereof, to execute the attached professional services agreement with Vector Airport Systems regarding the provision of an airport landing and parking surveillance, tracking, billing, and collection system; and
4. Authorize the Acting Director of Aviation, or a designee thereof, to execute any subsequent amendments, and any other agreements, certifications, attestations, and documents directly related, to the attached professional services agreement with Vector Airport Systems, after review and approval by County Counsel, Risk Management and the County Administrative Office; and
5. Direct the Clerk of the Board to provide the Department of Aviation with one (1) fully executed, certified copy of the Board order related to this item.
The recommended actions support the following areas of the Board of Supervisors’ Strategic Plan:
Area of Focus: A Diverse, Equitable & Robust Economy
Strategic Plan Category: 2001 - Promote strong economic resiliency and growth
The Department of Aviation has historically managed its transient landing fee program manually. Staffing and equipment shortages have limited the administration of the program to the California Redwood Coast - Humboldt County Airport (“ACV”), omitting the County of Humboldt’s remaining five (5) general aviation airports. These shortages and resulting limitations have reduced the landing capture percentage to a small fraction of what the Department of Aviation could realize.
On November 8, 2024, the Department of Aviation issued Request for Proposals (“RFP”) No. AV2024-002, which solicited proposals from experienced professionals to design, develop, implement and support an airport landing and parking surveillance, tracking, billing and collection system that utilizes air traffic imaging and automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast technology, or any other available aircraft flight tracking data sources, to collect data regarding general aviation aircraft landings at, and departures from, ACV, Murray Field, Rohnerville, Garberville, Dinsmore and Kneeland Airports and provide certain fee collection and customer support services related thereto.
The Department of Aviation received one (1) proposal in response to RFP No. AV2024-002. After reviewing and evaluating the proposal in accordance with the applicable evaluation and selection criteria, the RFP evaluation committee decided to select Vector Airport Systems, LLC as the vendor to provide the needed airport landing and parking surveillance, tracking, billing and collection system. Due to infrastructure constraints at Kneeland and Dinsmore Airports the Department of Aviation has chosen to only implement the airport landing and parking surveillance, tracking, billing and collection system provided by Vector Airport Systems, LLC at ACV, Murray Field, Rohnerville and Garberville airports at this time.
Aviation Enterprise Fund (3530)
Data from fiscal year 2021-2022 through fiscal year 2023-2024 indicates that ACV received an average of $9,136.00 annually in transient landing fees. Based on the most frequent landing rate of $23.00, it is estimated that ACV captured an average of 397 transient landings each fiscal year. During this same period, annual overhead landing collection costs averaged $4,966.00, or approximately 54% of the gross revenues. Due to staffing and equipment shortages, the Department of Aviation realized no revenue for transient landing fees at its remaining five (5) general aviation airports.
Implementation of the airport landing and parking surveillance, tracking, billing and collection system provided by Vector Airport Systems Plane Pass service will reduce overhead costs for transient landing fee collections at ACV alone to seventeen percent (17%) and increase landing fee capture at general aviation airports up to ninety-nine percent (99%). The recommended actions are expected to increase transient landing revenues in three (3) ways:
1. Reduce overhead costs to administer landing fee program from 54% to 17%;
2. Increase landing fees collected; and
3. Expand landing fees currently collected only at ACV, to Murray Field, Rohnerville and Garberville Airports.
The ongoing service fee for services provided under the terms of this agreement is a percentage of all amounts collected. This rate is set at seventeen percent (17%) of fees collected.
The recommended actions will not impact current staffing levels.
Your Board may choose not to approve the attached professional services agreement with Vector Airport Systems, LLC regarding the provision of an airport landing and parking surveillance, tracking, billing and collection system. However, this alternative is not recommended as it would prevent the collection of increased transient landing revenues.
1. Request for Proposal (RFP) No. AV2023-001
2. Proposal Submitted by Vector Airport Systems, LLC
3. Professional Services Agreement with Vector Airport Systems, LLC
Meeting of: None
File No.: None