To: Board of Supervisors
From: DHHS: Social Services
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Resolution Authorizing Execution of State of California Standard Agreement No. 24-5047 with the California Department of Social Services Regarding the Provision and Receipt of Services and Activities Related to the Resource Family Approval Program
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Adopt the attached resolution which authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services - Child Welfare Services Director, or a designee thereof, to execute State of California Standard Agreement No. 24-5047 with the California Department of Social Services regarding the provision and receipt of services and activities related to the Resource Family Approval program, and any amendments thereto, along with any and all other certifications, subsequent agreements and documents required or deemed necessary for the Department of Health and Human Services - Child Welfare Services to accept and secure CDSS’ provision of such services and activities; and
2. Direct the Clerk of the Board to return one (1) fully executed certified copy of the attached resolution to the Department of Health and Human Services - Contract Unit for submission to the California Department of Social Services.
The recommended actions support the following areas of the Board of Supervisors’ Strategic Plan:
Area of Focus: Core Services/Other
Strategic Plan Category: 9999 - Core Services/Other
The Resource Family Approval (“RFA”) program went into effect statewide on Jan. 1, 2017 in order to provide a unified, family-friendly and child-centered process to replace the multiple processes for licensing foster homes, approving relative and nonrelative extended family members as foster care providers and approving adoptive families.
Pursuant to California Government Code Section 30029.7(a), the County of Humboldt and the California Department of Social Services (“CDSS”) may enter into a State of California Standard Agreement (“State Standard Agreement”) for CDSS to provide services and/or activities related to the RFA program, including, without limitation, legal consultation and representation in administrative action appeals, to the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services - Child Welfare Services (“DHHS - Child Welfare Services”).
The attached resolution authorizes the DHHS - Child Welfare Services Director, or a designee thereof, to execute State Standard Agreement No. 24-5047 with CDSS regarding the provision and receipt of services and activities related to the RFA program, and any amendments thereto, along with any and all other certifications, subsequent agreements and documents required or deemed necessary for DHHS - Child Welfare Services to accept and secure CDSS’ provision of such services and activities. It should be noted that the attached resolution comes to the Board after the start date of State Standard Agreement No. 24-5047 due to inadvertent delays that occurred during the contract development process.
Social Services Fund (1160)
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of State Standard Agreement No. 24-5047, CDSS will provide services and activities related to the RFA program to DHHS - Child Welfare Services free of charge. As a result, adoption of the attached resolution will not impact the Humboldt County General Fund.
Adoption of the attached resolution will not impact current staffing levels.
The Board may choose not to adopt the attached resolution authorizing execution of State Standard Agreement No. 24-5047 with CDSS regarding the provision and receipt of services and activities related to the RFA program. However, this alternative is not recommended due to the need for such services.
1. Resolution Authorizing Execution of State of California Standard Agreement No. 24-5047
2. State of California Standard Agreement No. 24-5047
3. State of California Standard Agreement No. 24-5047 - Exhibits
Meeting of: 6/05/2018; 5/05/2020; 10/19/2021
File No.: 18-510; 20-530; 21-1409