To: Board of Supervisors
From: Public Works
Agenda Section: Consent
Approval of lease agreement with Jack P. Tedsen and Marie C. Tedsen, trustees, for WIC’s use at 785 E. Washington Street, Suite 5, Crescent City
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve the lease agreement with Jack P. Tedsen and Marie C. Tedsen, trustees for WIC’s use at 785 E. Washington Street, Suite 5, Crescent City;
2. Authorize the Chairperson to sign the lease agreement; and
3. Direct the Clerk of the Board to return one (1) executed original of the lease agreement to Public Works, Real Property for transmittal to the Lessor.
Public Health
Since 1999, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) - Public Health has subleased and leased space at 286 M Street, Crescent City from Rural Human Services, Inc. for the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). The current lease (Attachment No.1 - Lease) expired on November 30, 2018, and is presently on a month to month holdover term based on the premises being non-compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Although this facility is not listed in the Consent Decree with the United States Department of Justice, the Consent Decree requires that all county facilities be surveyed to identify all accessibility issues. This facility has been surveyed by the Independent License Architect (ILA) and a report has been provided.
Based on the number of existing ADA barriers, the landlord is unable to remove the ADA barriers to make the premises compliant. WIC, therefore, wishes to move their operations to 785 E. Washington Street, Suite 5, Crescent City, which the premises will be in compliance with ADA.
A new lease for use of 785 E. Washington Street, Suite 5, Crescent City, is therefore prepared for your requested approval. Included in the new lease is Exhibit A - Diagram of Building and Premises, and Exhibit B - Accessibility Report prepared by Fenton Construction Services.
The rental fees for the Lease at 785 E. Washington Street, Suite 5, Crescent City will be One Thousand One Hundred Ninety- Six Dollars ($1,196.00) per month for One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty (1,150 sf) of office space, or $1.04 per square feet. Annual increases of Four percent (4%) will bring the total rent for the first Sixty Months (60) at Seventy-Seven Thousand, Seven Hundred Sixty Dollars ($77,760.00). A one-time, non-refundable payment of Six Thousand Sixty-Three Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($6,063.75) will be made within Ten (10) days of the date of this Lease to offset the owners cost of lease preparation and overhead costs to reserve the premises for county’s use. Infrastructure start-up costs (desks, telephones, computers, photocopier, etc.) are estimated to cost Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000). All Public Health funds for WIC are 100% funded through Federal Funds. There is no impact on the county General Fund.
This action supports your Board’s Strategic Framework by managing our resources to ensure sustainability of services.
Public Works - Real Property Division
The Board could choose not to approve the lease at 785 E. Washington Street, Suite 5 in Crescent City. However, this is not recommended as the ADA barrier removals will not be accomplished by the landlord at 286 M Street in Crescent City, and thus, the County will continue to be in violation of the ADA.
Exhibit A - Diagram of Building and Premises
Exhibit B - Accessibility Report prepared by Fenton Construction Services
Attachment No.1 - Lease at 286 M Street, Crescent City
Board Order No.: C-17, C-7, C-12
Meeting of: 6/22/99, 1/26/10, 11/12/12
File No.: N/A