To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Resolution Authorizing the County Planning & Building Department Division of Housing and Grants to Apply for Prohousing Designation Program and the Companion Incentive Grants with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Adopt the attached resolution (Attachment 1) to:
A. Approve the Planning & Building Department to apply for the Prohousing Designation Program and companion grant with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for supporting a privileged designation and assistance in continuation of the department’s housing subsidy programs and a marketing/demographic strategy for public education and outreach efforts; and
B. Authorize and direct the Planning and Building Department Director to execute, in the name of the County of Humboldt, the application, the standard agreement, and all other documents required by HCD for participation in the Prohousing Designation Program, and any amendments after review by County Counsel, Risk Management and the County Administrative Office.
This action supports the following areas of your Board’s Strategic Plan.
Area of Focus: Housing for All
Strategic Plan Category: 4002 - Increase and prioritize housing development
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) offers a program for jurisdictions to receive a Prohousing Designation (Attachment 2). Jurisdictions receiving a Prohousing Designation are given preference in program funding. This application would authorize the county to apply to become a Prohousing Designated jurisdiction under a program called the Prohousing Incentive Program (PIP). The PIP Grant compliments and is the funding source for the Prohousing Designation Program. The PIP Grant is designed to encourage cities and counties to obtain Prohousing Designation and reward those jurisdictions with higher scores on funding applications. The 2024 PIP Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) is Attachment 3.
The PIP is funded through Chapter 364, Statutes of 2017 (SB 2, Atkins), which established the Building Homes and Jobs Trust Fund. This Fund utilizes real estate transaction fees collected at a county level to establish a permanent source of funding. Five percent of annual collections are deposited in a fund to be used for an incentive program.
The program awards funds based on the eligible applicant’s Prohousing Designation Program Score (as codified in the California Code of Regulations Title 25 Housing and Community Development, Division 1, Chapter 6, Subchapter 6.6, Sections 6600 through 6608, Consecutive Prohousing Designation Program).
This funding provides awards for eligible applicants to use towards planning and implementation activities related to housing and community development. The content and structure of future rounds of program funding is subject to change at the department’s sole discretion. Additionally, a Prohousing designation will be beneficial for the county as it will be awarded additional points on grant applications with the State Office of Grants Management and the various state grant programs related to housing.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Prohousing Incentive Program Grant (PIP) 2024 allocation in Advanced Planning Budget (1100-282)
This action solicits grant funding and application assistance from the State of California for the special designation of Prohousing with the goal of increased funding for the additional supply of Low to Moderate Income (LMI) homes, home improvements of health and safety for LMI county residents and the disabled, and a County-wide multi-lingual outreach strategy for reaching qualifying county residents and developers/contractors. The actual amount that the county could be awarded is based on the population size plus enhancement factors that are yet to be determined. It is anticipated the award amount will be between $300-$600K. The awarded funding would be used to shore up the Prohousing Designation programming, including staffing (including salaries and benefits), action plan and marketing.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
The Board may decide not to apply for the PIP 2024 funds; or the Board may choose to approve different proposals.
1. Draft Resolution
2. Prohousing Designation Regulations
3. Prohousing Incentive Program 2024 NOFA
Meeting of: NA
File No.: NA