To: Board of Supervisors
From: Sheriff
Agenda Section: Departmental
Resolution for the Temporary Employment of Retired Annuitant as Administrative Analyst II for the Sheriff’s Office (4/5 Vote Required)
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Adopt the attached resolution authorizing an exception to the one hundred eighty (180) day wait period of the California Public Employees Retirement System (CALPERS) for the employment of Melva Paris as a temporary retired annuitant Administrative Analyst II (class 0626, salary range 435, step C) with the Sheriff’s Office, as necessary to fill a critically needed position (4/5 Vote Required).
General Fund (1100-221)
Melva Paris retired as the Legal Office Services Manager for the Sheriff’s Office on September 30, 2022, with 47 years of experience and knowledge of the Sheriff’s records and civil divisions. The replacement Legal Office Services Manager was hired effective September 18, 2022. The responsibilities and duties expected of the Manager for the records and civil divisions is vast and will take time for the new Manager to learn. These are critical divisions of the Sheriff’s Office and its essential that the new Manager have the opportunity to continue to work with Ms. Paris as needed over the next 6-12 months so that they may effectively learn all aspects of the Manager position.
Therefore, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting approval of Ms. Paris as a temporary retired annuitant Administrative Analyst II to fill a critical need and that the Board of Supervisors resolve that Ms. Paris’ employment is needed before the expiration of the CalPERS 180-day wait period as required by California Government Code section 7522.56(f)(1). The attached resolution is necessary to comply with CalPERS requirements for an exception to the 180-day wait period for post-retirement employment.
Ms. Paris would be hired as an extra-help Administrative Analyst II (class 0626, salary range 435, step C) with a designated wage assignment of $30.68 per hour.
The Legal Office Services Supervisor of the Records and Civil Division was promoted to replace Ms. Paris’ Legal Office Services Manager position. Due to a difference in step placement and longevity, there is an anticipated annual savings from what was budgeted in Fund 1100, Budget Unit 221, Sheriff Operations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 for this change of $14,186 or $10,640 for the remaining 9 months of the year. The Legal Office Services Supervisor position is anticipated to be filled internally by promotion of an Administrative Secretary due to the required specialty in knowledge needed for the position. Due to a difference in step placement, there would be an additional annual savings of $18,642 or $13,981 for the remaining 9 months of the year.
The burdened rate for Ms. Paris’ extra-help position is $31.19 divided by the 9-month savings of $24,621 means Ms. Paris could work 789 hours of extra-help for the remainder of this year. The Sheriff’s Office does not anticipate that Ms. Paris will work that many hours. Based on the savings and estimated hours of work, there will be no additional impact to the General Fund beyond what has been budgeted.
This action supports your Board’s Strategic Framework by managing our resources to ensure sustainability of services.
Your Board could choose to decline staff’s recommendations. This is not recommended as it would leave the Sheriff’s Office Records and Civil Divisions without the knowledge and expertise needed for continued training that could negatively impact its ability to ensure compliance with all regulations that govern these divisions.
1 - Resolution for exception to the 180-day wait period for Melva Paris
Board Order No.: N/A
Meeting of: N/A
File No.: N/A