To: Board of Supervisors
From: Sheriff
Agenda Section: Consent
Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Security Screening Services for the Humboldt County Courthouse with American Guard Services
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve the Professional Services Agreement between the County of Humboldt and American Guard Services for the provision of security screening services for the Humboldt County Courthouse beginning Dec. 1, 2019;
2. Authorize the Chair of the Board to sign three original copies of the Professional Services Agreement (Attachment 1);
3. Authorize the Sheriff, Undersheriff, or Deputy Director of Sheriff’s Administration, to sign all amendments, extensions, revisions or termination of the agreement; and
4. Authorize the Sheriff, Undersheriff, or Deputy Director of Sheriff’s Administration, to sign a 60-day notice of termination of the Securitas Agreement (Attachment 2).
General Fund
Superior Court of California, County of Humboldt
On March 13, 2019 a Request for Proposal for courthouse security screening services was issued by the Sheriff’s Office. On June 25, 2019, your board approved the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) to enter into negotiations with American Guard Services for the provision of security screening services for the Humboldt County Courthouse. HCSO has successfully negotiated the agreement and requests approval and execution of the agreement (Attachment 1). Furthermore, HCSO requests approval to provide Securitas with a 60-day termination notice (Attachment 2). The intent is to transition American Guard Services to take over security screening services from Securitas on Dec. 1, 2019.
The agreement between the Humboldt County Superior Court (Court) and the County of Humboldt provides for a reimbursement rate to the county of 83% for security screeners at the 4th and 5th Street public entrances of the courthouse. This agreement established the hours eligible for reimbursement to be 7:30am to 5:15pm. Since the inception of the original contract with Securitas in 2008, the county’s policy has been to make the courthouse available to employees and the public from 7 am to 5:30 pm. The additional expense for the .75 hours per day is the responsibility of the county. Costs for services beyond the regular hours are charged to the departments or agencies using the facilities.
HCSO budgeted $200,720 for security screening services expenses in FY 2019-20 based on historical performance of the Securitas Agreement. The proposed first year contract services with American Guard Services is $215,900, an increase of $15,180 over budget. Of this increased amount, 83% or $12,600 would be reimbursed by the Court. The remaining 17% or $2,580 would be absorbed by the Sheriff’s budget unit 1100-221. There is no additional funding request from the General Fund for FY2019-20 for this contract.
The total 5-year contract cost with American Guard Services is $1,189,840. The Court will reimburse 83% of the cost, with the remaining 17% annually budgeted in the Sheriff’s Budget Unit 1100-221.
This action supports your Board’s Strategic Framework by enforcing laws and regulations to protect residents .
The Board of Supervisors may choose not to approve the agreement with American Guard Services and the 60-day termination notice with Securitas, however this is not recommended as the RFP process is intended to result in the best security services vendor to meet the county’s needs.
1 - Professional Services Agreement with American Guard Services
2 - Notice of Termination of the Agreement with Securitas
Board Order No.: N/A
Meeting of: June 25, 2019
File No.: 19-678