To: Board of Supervisors
From: Planning and Building Department
Agenda Section: Consent
Vote Requirement: Majority
Belknap General Plan Amendment and Zoning Reclassification Petition
That the Board of Supervisors:
1. Accept the petition and adopt the attached resolution (Attachment 1) based on the findings in the staff report; and
2. Direct the Clerk of the Board to give notice of the decision to the applicant and any other interested party.
Applicant fees.
This is a petition requesting the Board accept an applicant-initiated General Plan Amendment and Zone Reclassification (Attachment 2) on APN 404-101-013-000. The purpose of the amendments is to facilitate a lot line adjustment in the Jacoby Creek area between APN 404-101-046-000, known as the Belknap Property, and APN 404-101-013-000, known as the Barnum Property. This lot line adjustment requires a change in the underlying General Plan designation and zone classification on a one-acre portion of the existing Barnum property to conform with requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The General Plan designation would change from Timberland (T) to Residential Agriculture (RA5-20) and the zoning would change from Timber Production Zone (TPZ) to Residential Single Family with a Special Building Area combining zone (R-1-B-4).
The purpose of the GPA and ZR is to facilitate the lot line adjustment to incorporate development erroneously built on the Barnum property, but accessory to the residential uses of the Belknap property. A shed, fence, and other residential accessory uses associated with the Residential Use on the Belknap Property were developed on the Barnum Property. The petition is consistent with the General Plan's required findings and criteria for amendments. The applicant submitted a letter (Attachment 2) supporting the findings required to make an amendment to the General Plan.
The project sit...
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